


II. 知识运用(共两部分,20小题。21~40小题,共20分)

A)单项填空 从A、B、 C 三个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

21. I often play ______chess after class.

A. a B. the C. /

22. Could you please take ______notebooks to the teachers’ office?

A. you B. your C. yours

23. The Caspian Sea is ______ than any other salt lake in the world.

A. deep B. deeper C. deepest

24. There are ______ days in March and the ______day is Women’s Day.

A. thirty-one, eighth B. thirty-first, eighth C. thirty-one , eight

25. We ______ the tea set for three years.

A. have had B. had C. have been

26. Yu Gong kept moving the mountains, ______ he was very old.

A. so B. although C. but

27. It’s time for I’m a Singer, please ______ the TV.

A. turn on B. turn off C. open

28. Many Hope Primary schools ______ last year.

A. is built B. was built C. were built

29. Do you know ______?

A. when No-Car Day is B. when is No-Car Day C. what time is No-Car Day

30. —_______________?

— I’d like a cup of tea.

A. What would you like B. Would you like a cup of tea C. What do you like

B) 完形填空 通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Kobe Bryant, one of 31.______famous basketball players in NBA of America. He was born in the USA. He is 1.98 meters tall. He can speak English, Italian and 32. ______ French. Kobe is the only son in his family. He started 33._____basketball when he was only a child, because his father 34.______was once a basketball player influenced his life deeply. His good playing skills brought 35.______a lucky life.

Kobe Bryant became a professional player at the 36.______of 18. Ever since then, he has been a top player in Los Angeles Lakes( 洛杉矶湖人队)in the USA. 37._____the leader of his team, he played an important 38.______in NBA championships. In the 2007-2008 season,he received the prize of the most valuable player — the highest honor for the basketball players. At the same time, he led his team and won the basketball gold medals in Beijing.

Kobe is a superstar in many people’s hearts. Almost every basketball lover 39. ______ him. He has a lot of fans all over the world. Kobe’s life is 40.______of success and challenges. He retired from Los Angeles Lakes in April this year. But there is no doubt that he is an excellent basketball player in history.

31. A. more B. the most C. much

32. A. a few B. a lot C. a little

33. A. playing B. played C. was playing

34. A. where B. why C. who

35. A. his B. him C. her

36. A. age B. year C. number

37. A. So B. As C. But

38. A. game B. basketball C. role

39. A. knows B. know C. known

40. A. fill B. fall C. full


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