




One day there was an argument(争论)between the wind and the sun.“I’m much 36 than you,”said the wind.“No.I don’t agree with you!”said the sun.While they were arguing,they saw a man 37 along the road.He is wearing a heavy coat.The sun said to the wind,!Now let 38 see who can make the man take off his coat.Then we will know who is stronger.”

First the wind tried.It began to blow very hard.It blew 39 hard that the man pulled his coat around him.The wind was 40 with the man.Then it said to the sun.“Now,it’s your 41 .”The sun started to 42 on the man .Soon it got very hot!The man took off his coat.The argument was over.

36.A.strong             B.strongly

C.stronger             D.strongest

37.A.walking             B.walked

C.to walk              D.walks

38.A.we              B.our

C.us               D.ours

39.A.not              B.so

C.never              D.much

40.A.angry             B.sad

C.happy              D.worried

41.A.way              B.hope

C.end              D.turn

42.A.shines             B.shine

C.shining              D.shined


Do you know the Olympic Games?

The Olympic Games are held every four years.Many players 43 all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.The old Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC(公元前) in Greece(希腊)and the modern games came from the 44 ones.Many of the sports were the same as they are now,but women were not allowed to take part in the games.

The Olympic Games stopped for a long time.But they were not 45 by people.The first Olympic Games in modern times happened in 1896.They were held in Greece—the games were born in this 46.In the 1896 games,there were 311 players from just 13 countries.After that, 47 countries took part in the games.In the 27th Sydney Summer Olympic Games in 2000,the Chinese team got 28 gold medals.

One of the great competitions 48 not for a medal.It’s the competition among countries to hold the Olympic Games. 49 the Olympic Games is a great prize for a country.In 2008,Beijing will hold the 29th Summer Olympic Games.We are all 50 our great country.

43.A.from             B.in

C.at               D.to

44.A.new              B.old

C.good              D.nice

45.A.forgetting            B.forgot

C.forgotten             D.forget

46.A.town             B.city

C.village              D.country

47.A.less than             B.more or less

C.more than             D.more and more

48.A.are              B.is

C.were              D.was

49.A.To hold             B.Hold

C.Holds              D.Held

50.A.proud about            B.prize for

C.proud of             D.prize of




Eating is important to everyone.But not many people have time to think about what to eat.

“Fast food is easy,”says Sarah Hudson,a 14-year-old high school student from America.She is enjoying her lunch at McDonald’s*.“It’s quick and it is delicious.If they made healthy food,I wouldn’t buy it .”She eats fast food about twice a week.

Now each American eats about three hamburgers and four bags of French fries(or:potato chips) every week.That is 2 520 calories*.A person needs about 2 000 calories for a whole day.

Most Americans know that fast food isn’t good for them.But it seems that they can’t give it up.In fact,more and more people are eating fast food,and fast food restaurants are part of American life.96% of American school children know McDonald’s.

Because they love the French fry,it’s no surprise that children are getting bigger.In America,33% of them are overweight(or:too heavy).That makes it hard for them to move around,go upstairs and even breathe.They will probably have health problems later in life.Of course it’s not just young people who are getting heavier.It’s all Americans.



51.Sarah is a 14-year-old high school student.

52.Sarah likes McDonald’s because she knows it sells healthy food.

53.A person needs 2 520 calories a week.

54.Most Americans still have fast food though they know it is not good for them.

55.Half of the American children have difficulty in moving around.

56.It’s not good for one to have fast food.


Scientists are trying to make deserts into good land again.They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can grow crops and live there.They are learning a lot about deserts.But more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time.

Why is this true?Scientists think that people are making deserts.People are doing bad things to the earth.

Some places on the earth don’t have much rain,but they don’t become deserts.This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places.Plants prevent the sun from making the earth drier.Plants prevent the wind from blowing the soil away.When a little rain falls,plants hold the water.Without plants,the land becomes deserts easily.

57.Scientists are growing more and more plants in the deserts.

58.More and more of the earth is becoming deserts because there is no river there.

59.Plants are very helpful to turn deserts into good land again.

60.It’s not easy to prevent the earth from becoming deserts because people are doing bad things.


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