★ Everyone in our group must speak in English with each other. Don't keep silent for ten days.
★ The main aim of this group is to improve our English.
★ Chatting in English doesn't mean we pay more atten tion to English. I think Chinese is my first language and it's the most important.
★ Don't send advertisements or any pictures here.
If you don't follow the rules above, we will ask you to leave.
46. This QQ group is an Engl ish chatting place.
47. Everyone in this group must speak in Chinese with each other.
48. The main aim of this QQ group is to make friends.
49. The writer thinks English is more important t han Chinese.
50. If you send advertisements or any pictures here, you will have to leave.
46.T 事实细节题。根据第一段第三句话It is an English chatting place.可直接确定陈述句子正确。答案为T.
47. F事实细节题。根据第一条规则Everyone in our group must speak in English with each other.可直接确定陈述句子错误。答案为F.
48. F事实细节题。根据第二条规则The main aim of this group is to improve our English. 可直接确定陈述句子错误。答案为F.
49.F事实细节题。根据第三条规则I think Chinese is my first language and it's the most important.
50. T细节理解题。根据最后一条规则和最后一句话“Don't send advertisements or any pictures here.
If you don't follow the rules above, we will ask you to leave.可知问题陈述是正确的。答案为T。
Now lots of teenagers like smoking. It's a big problem. Some of them smoke, just for fun and some think smoking looks cool. Others smoke because there are many people around them that smoke.
As we all know, smoking is harmful, especially to students. Some teenagers even steal money so that they can buy cigarettes. Besides, smoking does harm to brains and it can influence studies. Finally, it is bad for health because it can cause diseases.
Therefore(因此), we should protect ourselves from smoking. First, we should learn more about the danger of smoking. Second, we should keep away from people who smoke.
51. Now some teenagers like smoking because_________.
A. smoking is good for them
B. their parents want them to do so
C. they think it is fun
52. From the passage, we know some teenagers steal money in order to _______.
A. buy cigarettesB. buy books C. play games
53. Smoking is harmful to_________.
A. brains B. legs C. eyes
54. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. Smoking can cause diseases.
B. Smoking can influence studies.
C. We shouldn't keep away from people who smoke.
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