


【解析】考查动词的用法。borrow… from… 意为“从……借……”。

【2011郴州】35. ________is dangerous for us to swim in the river alone.

A. It                B. That                  C. This


【解析】考查it作形式主语的用法。代替动词不定式 代词是it;

【2011郴州】B) 完形填空(10小题, 共10分)

"Eyes are windows of the soul." Everyone knows the 36 of the eyes.  37 more and more students are becoming near-sighted(近视). So how to protect the eyes is still a serious problem. Here is some advice on 38 protect your eyesight(视力).

You should not keep your eyes 39 for a long time. When reading, you should keep the books about a foot away from you. After reading for an hour 40 two, you 'd better have a 41 by looking into the distance(远处).

You must remember not to read in dark light or in 42, not to read on a moving bus or in bed. Doing eye exercises will help 43 to protect your eyesight.

In a 44  , to keep 45 eyesight, we must have good studying habits.

36. A. importanceB. experienceC. difference

37. A. SoB. BecauseC. But

38. A. what toB. how toC. when to

39. A. workingB. walkingC. waking

40. A. andB. orC. as

41. A. talkB. restC. by

42. A. the earthB. the starC. the sun

43. A. himB. usC. you

44. A. wordB. sentenceC. letter

45. A. badB. goodC. weak


36. A 考查名词的用法。每个人都知道眼睛的“重要性”;

37. C 考查连词的用法。前句和后句意义发生转折,所以用but;

38. B 考查动词不定式的用法。“如何”保护你的视力;

39. A 考查keep的用法。句意理解:你不应该使你的眼睛长时间“工作”;

40. B 考查连词的用法。一小时“或”两小时;

41. B 考查名词的用法和固定搭配。have a rest 固定词组;

42. C 考查名词的意义。in the sun 在阳光下;

43. C 考查代词的用法。前文中的主语一直是you,所以承接下来也应用you;

44.A 考查名词的用法。in a word 一句话;

45. B 考查形容词的用法。保持“好”的视力,用good。


A) 阅读短文,判断正误。(5小题,计10分)【2011郴州】(判断型)

I started this QQ group named CZ (Chenzhou) English club two months ago. It has twenty-eight members now. It is an English  chatting place. Now we need some more friends who are interested in chatting in English.

Please remember the rules for our group members.


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