Wang Ling, a middle school girl, felt angry with her parents after getting a boy's phone call. "A classmate called me to discuss homework. We talked 41 just a few minutes before my parents got mad," said the girl. "They asked whether I liked the boy. I said I didn't, 42 they wouldn't believe me."
Wang's trouble is not strange at all because puppy love (早恋) becomes a big headache for 43 parents and schools. They worry that puppy love will be bad for 44 . Her school makes it a rule not to allow any talk or any physical contact (身体接触) 45 one boy and one girl alone.
Many students say they understand 46 parents and teachers are so nervous about puppy love. But some think they are going too far. "We have our own thoughts and we know what to 47 with it," said Wang Ling.
Another girl, Jiang Ting, liked making friends with boys. "Boys and girls can learn from each other," she said. "My mother asks me to study hard. However, she 48 stops me from making friends with boys." Once Jiang told her mother she might fall in love with a boy. Her mother let Jiang make 49 own decision. Soon Jiang found that she didn't like him any more because the boy was not as 50 as what she had thought before. And she did worse and worse in her subjects because she spent much on it. At last she understood the worry from schools and most parents about puppy love.
( A )
Every child has his own dream. Every child hopes to be an adult. However, is it truly like what they imagine? As a boy who lives in modem times and in a modern city, I feel greater pressure on me with the city’s development, Although we don’t often worry about money, we still have a lot of others such as competitions among classmates and expectations from parents. These experiences are very helpful to our future. But in fact, they really give me a lot of pressure. I still clearly remembered the happiness of my childhood. Unluckily, we had to face the fact with time passing by. We began to feel this invisible(无形的)pressure come upon us. We get up before sunrise(日出) and return after sunset(日落). We work and study like an adult, even harder. What we do is to get great grades. Oh, growing up is completely boring. We must try to find happiness while growing up. I think the friendship among our friends, the support from our parents and the encouragement from our teachers can help us. Why not enjoy the pleasure of growing up and its delicious taste?
51. What do you think the writer is?
A. A parent. B. an adult. C. A student. D. A teacher
52. How does the writer think we can find happiness?
A. From friends,parents and teachers. B. By studying hard like an adult.
C. With the help of classmates. D. Through talking with parents.
53. The best title of the text is“_________”.
A. My dream B. My worries C. My pleasure D. My school life
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