The traditional school exercise book and pen could become history. Every pupil at Writhlinton School is being offered their own laptop (笔记本电脑) to use in class and for homework.
Buildings with wireless (无线的) systems will open soon. The laptop project will cost the school about £400,000. Parents are being asked to pay £2 per week for their children’s laptop as long as the child stays at the school. Those unable to pay will receive economic aid (经济援助).
The headmaster, Will Roberts, says parents think it is a “bargain (划算的买卖)” because it’s expensive to buy a laptop.
“With the help of the laptop, any time they want to learn, they can. Pupils, who are aged between 11 and 18, can complete homework by connecting to the school servers (服务器) from home. And their work can be marked at once and teachers share pupils’ work away from the classroom.”
Mr. Roberts insists, however, that children will continue to use traditional learning materials. “There will always be a place for traditional writing and textbooks here,” he says. “But we want to prepare our pupils for the real world.”
The project was started with the help of the government-supported charity, the e-Learning Foundation (学习平台基金会). It is trying to make information technology (技术) more widely used in schools.
Spokesman, Kevin Pay, says using computers improves pupil’s work speed-“after all, there is no excuse for not having homework”.
30. For what purpose is the school giving each pupil a laptop?
A. To prepare its pupils well for society (社会).
B. To attract more pupils to study there.
C. To draw the attention of the public and charities.
D. To reduce the stress of teachers and pupils.
31. From the passage, what do we know about the project?
A. It will begin in several months. B. It is not good for poor families.
C. It is based on some researches. D. It received support from the government.
32. All the following statements are true EXCEPT _____________.
A. computers can greatly improve pupils’ studies
B. the traditional book and pen will disappear from schools
C. pupils unable to pay for the laptop can have the laptop too
D. computers make it easier for teachers to contact pupils
33. What is the parents’ attitude (态度) towards the project?
A. They are against it. B. The don’t care about it.
C. They like it very much. D. They are worried about it.
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