Nobody is happy all the time, but some people are really happier than others. Here are some tips for you to be happy.
Make enough money to meet your basic needs: food, shelter, and clothing. In the US, that magic number is $40,000 a year. Any money you make beyond that will not necessarily make you happier. Once you make enough money to support your basic needs, your happiness is not affected by how much money you make.
______________________________ Or move to where other members are-so you can see them more. Now, people follow jobs around the country and sometimes around the world. As a result, our relationships with our friends and family have a far greater impact (影响) on our happiness than our jobs do. So next time you think about moving, consider a place where most of your friends and families live.
Find happiness in the job you have now. Many people expect (期待) the right job to change their level of happiness. But happiness research makes it clear that changing jobs can’t bring you happiness. If you want, you will make the best of any job. If you have good relationships with people, you won’t depend on (依赖) your job to give your life a greater sense of meaning. You will find it in your interactions with the people you care about.
If you are unhappy for a long time, you should ask an expert (专家) or a doctor for help. I hope you will be happy all the time.
24. The writer wrote this passage mainly to _____________.
A. make friends B. give suggestions
C. put on an advertisement D. complain about your actions
25. The underlined word “interactions” means ____________.
A. arrangement B. choice C. communication D. agreement
26. What is the title for the third paragraph?
A. Ask family members for help. B. Borrow money from family members.
C. How to make family members be happy. D. Stay close to friends and family.
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