



一、1-5 BADCB  6-10 ADABC

二、11-15 BACDB  16-20 ACDBA

三、A) 21-23 CDA  B) 24-26 BCD  C) 27-29 BCD  D) 30-33 ADBC

四、34. family  35. long  36. good/wise  37. keep  38. kind

五、39. truly    40. fatter      41. eastern   42. treatment  43. caught

44. impolite  45. twelfth    46. among    47. wherever     48. times

六、49. left  50. has broken  51. was traveling  52. to show  53. has been discussed

七、根据所给中文完成句子(共6小题;每小题1.5分。满分9分) 错一点扣0.5分。

54. which one to choose

55. staying up very late to leaving today’s work

56. order not to let our parents worry about us

57. is used to going walking instead of

58. not saying anything about it till/until  ●saying nothing about it till/until/ ●that they (should) not say anything about it till/until ● that they (should) say nothing about it till/until

59. for us to learn knowledge as much as possible

八、One possible versionwww.x kb 1.co m

How time flies! Great changes have taken place in our school since we took part in the civilized norms month activity. Now most of us can act better than before. We can get on well with our teachers and classmates. Some of us are so careful that we often help close the windows or the doors or turn off the lights. Some of us are kind enough to help the students in need.

Sadly, some of us pay no attention to what they are doing. For example, they care nothing about the environment. Sometimes they throw away rubbish here and there, and make a lot of noise in public. They are too impatient to wait in line. A few of us say bad words or quarrel with others.

In my opinion, as a student, we should act in a polite way. I hope we will have more activities like this. So we can learn more from these activities. I’m sure we can live happily if we try our best.



第五档 (15—13分)  完全符合题目要求,表达清楚,信息完整,语言通顺,语意连贯,字数达标,基本或完全没有语言错误。

第四档 (12—10分)  符合题目要求,表达基本清楚,信息较完整,语言基本通顺,语意基本连贯。有少量语言错误,但不影响整体理解。

第三档 (9—7分)  基本符合题目要求,表达不够清楚,信息不够完整,语言欠通顺,有部分语言错误,影响 整体理解。

第二档 (6—4分)  部分内容符合题目要求,内容不完整,表达不清楚,信息不完整,有较多语言错误,所写 内容难以理解。

第一档 (3一0分) 与题目有关的内容不多,不能表达自己的思想。只是简单拼凑提示词语。






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