


(    )56. Wonderful Museum usually opens _________ EXCEPT on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

A. from Monday to Thursday           B. at weekends

C. every day of the week              D. on weekdays

(    )57. If a group of 30 students with ID visit Wonderful Museum, how much should they

pay for the admission?

A. $ 105.    B. $ 90.       C. $ 210.   D. $ 180.

(    )58. You can borrow books from the Museum Library ____________.

A. at 3:00 pm on Friday                 B. at weekends

C. from Monday to Saturday          D. at 9:00 am on Friday

(    )59. If you want to invite your friends to dinner on Sunday, you have to reach the Skyliner

Restaurant _____________.

A. after 8:00 pm     B. at 6:00 am   C. after 11:00 pm    D. at 2:30 pm

(    )60. Which is the best title for the ad.?

A. Wonderful Museum—an Exciting Place for Adults

B. Welcome to Wonderful Museum for a Long Holiday

C. Wonderful Museum—the Best Place to Spend Your Day

D. A Wonderful Tourist Place



(  )61 . The most famous website for micro blog is __________ ___ in the world.

A.  yahoo       B. baidu      C. tencent QQ      D. Twitter

(   ) 62. What does “ micro” mean in the phrase “ micro blog”?  It means “________”.

A. simpler      B. more convenient     C. small      D. interesting

(   ) 63. What can’t we do by using micro blog?

A. Enjoy or upload photos, videos and music easily.

B. Write our feelings, our sense of life.

C. Visit some famous persons.

D. Get news and information quickly.

(   ) 64.  How do the writer think of micro blog ?  It’s _____________.

A. healthily   B. useful    C. happy    D. easy

(   ) 65. The best headline of the passage is “ ________________________________”.

A.The first micro blog website    B. The most popular Internet tool in our life

C. Surf the web healthily         D.  The modern life


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