( ) 26. ---I hope you can go to your dream school.
A. Well done B. Don’t mention it C. Certainly D. Thank you very much ( ) 27. British people eat _____ a lot, and they are cooked in different ways.
A. potato B. potatoes C. beef D. chicken
( ) 28. --- Mum, where are my trousers?
--- I have washed ________.
A. you B. it C. they D. them
( )29. All of them can take this job, but I want to know who is _____.
A. the most careful B. more careful C. careful D. very careful
( )30. Look! What a good time the children ________.
A. have B. are having C. will have D. had
( )31.There will be a party tonight. Why not _____ some posters to decorate our classroom?
A. put up B. put down C. put on D. put off
( )32. ---Is your father at home?
---No. He’s in the hospital _____ my grandma is ill.
A. because B. so C. or D. if
( )33. How many books ________ in the library at a time?
A .can borrow B. will borrow C. can be borrowed D. will be borrow
( )34. My close friend advises me __________ computer games too much.
A. how to play B. to play C. not to play D. play
( )35. ---What a nice day today! Let’s ask Betty to go fishing with us!
---Well, we should know ______.
A. what can we do B. who will go with us
C. whether she has free time D. how can we go there
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