B) 根据下面对话中的情境,在空白处各写一个句子,使对话完整正确。
A: Hello! May I Speak to Sand ra?
B: Hello! This is Sandra speaking. 81 ______________?
A: This is William. I hear you are going to a trip next weekend.82 _______________?
B: I’m going to Fuping, Shaanxi Province with my family.
A: Really? That’s really a beautiful place. It’s President Xi’s hometown.
B: It seems that you’re familiar with it. 83 ______________?
A: Yes, I have been there twice.
B: 84 _________________?
A: I went there two years ago. By the way, don’t pack anything to eat.
B: 85 ________________? What if I can’t get anything delicious to eat?
A: Don’t worry. There are many kinds of delicious food there. It’s reported that our president invited Lian Zhan to eat some famous snacks from Shaanxi including Fuping. Don’t you know that?
B: I nearly forgot! And I think Fuping and its food will be more and more famous like Qing Feng Steamed Stuff Bun.
X. 书面表达(共1题,满分15分):
参考词汇:long history, splendid culture, places of interest(名胜古迹), obey the rules, protect, cultural beritage(文化遗产),scenic spot s(景点)
1.W: Did you get to school this morning by bus or on foot?
M: On foot.That could make me healthy.
Q: How did the boy get to school?
2.W: I prefer dumplings to noodles.
M: Ok.Let’s have dumplings for supper.
Q: What will they have for supper?
3. W: Exxcuse me.Is there a bank near here?
M: No, there isn’t.The nearest one is about 3 kilometers away.
Q: How far is the nearest bank?
4. W: It’s Tuesday today.Let’s go hiking the day after tomorrow.
M: Good idea!
Q: When will they go hiking?
5. W: Will the train leave at eight or a quarter past eight,Miss Turner?
M: Neither. It’ll leave at five to eight.
Q: What time will the train leave?
6. W: John, have you seen Sara? I haven’t seen her for days.
M: Oh, she was ill in hospital.Mary and I have just visited her.And she is much better today.
Q: Who was ill in hospital?
7. W: Nick, you look cool on the horse in this picture. When did you take it?
M: Last year when my parents and I went on a tr ip to Mingsha Mountain.
Q: What animal is discussed in the dialogue?
8. W: It’s too hot. Would you mind me opening the window?
M: Of course not. Do it as as you like, please.
Q: How does the boy feel?
9. W: Liang Chen, your brother is a singer. How about your sister?
M: She is a nurse. She works in Chang’an Hospital.
W: Oh, I know the hospital. The nurses and doctors there are friedly.
Q: What does Liang Chen’s do?
10.M: Sonia, I heard Jane won the first prize in the music competition.
W: So she did. And Mike won the second prize.
M: Wow. They are excellent.
Q: Who won the first prize in the music competition?
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