Ⅱ 听短文,选答案(共5小题,计10分).
Lin Feng is a doctor in Beijing. Every August, he has one week off for vacation.Last August he decided to take a trip to Sichuan.He didn’t want to go by air.He really wanted to enjoy the beautiful nature, so he took the train.
The train left Beijing on Monday at 10:30 p.m. During the long trip, he looked out of the window and saw large cities, small towns, and of course the beautiful countryside. For two days, Lin Feng didn’t get off the train. He often took walks through the train and talked with the other people.
Finally at 2:45 p.m. on Friday, the train stopped in Sichuan. When he got off the train, he saw a poster on the wall of the station. It said: Wanted! Volunteer doctors in the earthquake areas! Lin Feng went to help the injured people. He had been busy the whole week, but he was happy.
Ⅵ. (10分)
56.make your dream come true./achieve/realize your dream.
57.Missing the early bus.
58.How clean.
59.The number of ,is.
60.looking forward to
61.making 62.hundred 63.rest 64.usually 65.fly 66.thinks 67.They 68.how 69.although 70.mistakes
71.an important part of traditional culture.
72.harmony and reunoin.
73.four hours.
74.to fit all the audiences’tastes.
75.The Spring Festial Gala.
76.I prefer to live in the city
77.But I like to go shopping in the city.
78.But there is much traffic in the city.
79.Do you like living in the countryside?
80.It’s really cool.
81.Who is that speaking?
82.Where are you going?
83.Have you ever been there before?
84.When did you go there?
Ⅹ.(15分) 参考范文
Xi’an is a beautiful city with a long history and splendid cuture. There are many places of interest in Xi’an. Many visitors from the world visit Xi’an every year. Unluckily, some places have been destroyed by visitors in recent years.
So people do as following to protoect these places, as they are a part of the cultural heritage of the world. First, obey all rules at scenic spots.Second, don’t draw or write on any of the building. Last, don’t throw rubbish everywhere.
Let’s work together to make Xi’an a more attractive city.
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