【摘要】人生能有几回搏?现在不搏更待何时?中考就要到了,特此威廉希尔app 为您编辑了生活压力阅读理解及答案孝感中考英语 ,小编预祝你中考顺利!
Stress (压力) is everywhere in our everyday life. Not only men have it, but also women and young people.
The most important reasons of stress are:death, diseases, exams, making money, getting married, moving houses, changing jobs, ending friendships and so on .
How do you know whether you have stress? Could you give your answers to the following questions?
Do you easily get angry?
Do you often sleep badly?
Do you get headaches a lot?
Do you take sleeping pills?
Do you find it difficult to relax?
Do you usually hide your feelings?
Do you smoke and drink a lot to keep quiet?
Do you find it difficult to put your heart into something?
If you answer “Yes” to more than two of these questions, you are one of those people with stress. So what can you do about it?
Doing relaxing exercises, talking with friends and listening to light music are all usual ways of relieving(减轻) stress. However, doctors now say that there are easier ways—people should laugh and smile more often. When you laugh and smile, your body relaxes. They also say that people, especially men, should cry more often, because crying is the natural way of relieving stress.
71. Who has got stress in everyday life?
A. Men and women. B. Young people. C. Both A and B.
72. If you have over problems listed in the table, you are the person with stress.
A. two B. three C. eight
73. Which of the followings is NOT the reason of stress?
A.Taking exams. B. Taking sleeping pills. C. Making money.
74. What’s the easier way to relax your body?
A. Talking with friends. B Doing relaxing exercises.
C. Laughing, smiling and crying.
75. The main idea of the passage is .
A.about stress and how to relieve your stress
B. that there are many reasons for having stress
C.that laughing and smiling more can help relieve your stress
【答案】71-75 C A B C A
【总结】以上就是生活压力阅读理解及答案孝感中考英语 的全部内容,威廉希尔app 小编希望同学们都能扎实的掌握学过的知识,取得好的成绩!
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