


【摘要】威廉希尔app 为各位考生整理了2014年孝感中考英语新鲜食物阅读理解 ,希望可以帮考生一臂之力。

Food. Drink & Refreshment

Relax and unwind in our new state of the Loch Ness Eatery. Whether you are looking for a snack or a full meal we can provide almost anything to suit everyone. We will be ready for helping you at all times.

l Fresh Tea. Coffee, Hot Chocolate etc.

l Good choice of Home Baking and Cake

l Home Made Soup and Sandwiches.

l Sweets and Soft Drinks

l Packed to aches for those who prefer a picnic.

l Seating for over 150 visitors.

Tel: +44(0)456 450321

Web: www.lochness.com

61. The above reading is most probably __________.

A. an advertisement B. a food report C. a shopping list D. a menu

62. It’s clear that the Eatery __________.

A. can hold 150 people at most B. only provides Chinese food

C. was set up in the year of 1980 C. doesn’t offer many choices

63. At the loch Ness Eatery, visitors can ________.

A. book comfortable room B. have a picnic

C. cook for themselves D. get a good relaxation

64. The reading also tells us _________.

A. the prices of food and drinks B. the address of the Eatery

C. the name of the manager D. the way of getting in touch with the Eatery

65. The Eatery provides almost everything to _________.

A. to serve people for a long time B. meet the needs of different visitors

C. let people take away D. help people learn about people

【答案】61.A 62.C 63.D 64.D 65.B

【总结】以上就是2014年孝感中考英语新鲜食物阅读理解 的全部内容,威廉希尔app 小编希望同学们都能扎实的掌握学过的知识,取得好的成绩!

2014孝感英语中考语法解析:these和those用法  2014孝感英语中考语法解析:名词+’s所有格  


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