M:How much is it?
W:150 yuan.
M:That's a bit expensive.Do you have a cheaper one?
W:The blue one is cheaper.It's 80 yuan.
M:But my daughter doesn't like this color.She likes red best.I'll go to another shop to have a look.
M: Hello, this is Bob. Is that Mary?
W: Yes.
M: How are you feeling today?
W: A little better. Thank you, Bob.
M: You're welcome. I hope you can come back soon.
W: I hope so, too, but the doctor said I had to stay in bed for at least a week.
M: Oh, dear! That's too long! Is there anything I can do for you?
W: Well, now I'm worried about my lessons.
M: Oh, I see. You needn't worry about them. Just get lots of rest. I'll go to help you with your lessons after school from tomorrow on.
W: That's very kind of you. Thanks a lot.
M: By the way, Mrs. Smith will go to see you tomorrow evening after work.
W: Oh. She's so busy. She needn't do that. Please tell her that I am all right, OK?
M: OK. See you tomorrow.
W: Bye-bye.
M:Welcome to Beijing Tasty Restaurant.What can I do for you?
W:Will you please show me a table beside the window?
M:Sorry, there's no table beside the window,only one table in the centre.
W:In the centre? OK.
M:This way,please.
W:Thank you.[w^w#w.~zzste&p.co*m]
M:Here's the menu.Could I take your order?[来源:zzs%t&ep^.co@m#]
W:Yes.I'd like chicken, fish, some vegetables,two cokes and two bowls of rice.
M:Is that all? We have Beijing Duck.It's so delicious.Would you like to have a try?
W:All right.
M:OK.Your food will be ready in a minute.
W:No, no, no! I need some time to wait for my friend.Please get my food ready in 20 minutes.
M:No problem.
Long long ago, there was a boy named Meng Zhong. He and his mother lived a hard life. He tried to do all the housework to help his mother. One day, his mother became seriously ill. The doctor said that his mother needed some bamboo shoot (竹笋) soup. But at that time, snow was everywhere. Where could he find bamboo shoots? He was very worried and didn't know what to do . He cried and cried for the whole day. Suddenly, he heard some sounds, and he found a lot of bamboo shoots growing out of the ground. It was his love for his mother that moved God. In no time at all, he took the bamboo shoots home and cooked them for his mother. Soon, his mother became well again.
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