根据短文内容, 从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整正确。
A. When you want to talk to your parents about something important ,When is the best time to do it?
B. She decided to discuss it with her parents during TV time to talk to their parents.
C. They found that most American teenagers would choose bed time to talk to their parents.
D. She used to go back to her home in Cixi every week to get money from her parents.
E. The result shows most teenagers in the city would choose meal time to talk to their parents..
F. For most teenagers like Chen talking to parents can be difficult or even worrying..
(二) 阅读短文,完成第Ⅱ卷第四大题的51—55小题。
Adam Braun set up the organization(组织) Pencils of Promise in2008. Its goal is to make sure all children have a chance for education. Six years later , the non-profit organization is building a new school somewhere every 90 hours.It has helped more than 22.000 children in Africa,Asia and Latin America.
It all started when Adam Braun was a college student. He was visiting India when a boy stopped him and asked for money on the street, Mr. Braun asked the boy what he would want, if he could have anying in the world.
“I thought the answer was going to be ‘a house’ or ‘a car’ or ‘a boat’. His answer was ‘a pencil’ So I gave him my pencil and he was just happy and excited . I realized he never had been to school before ,and that was the reality(现实) for 57 million ch ildren around the world. ” Braun said.
Adam Braun started working in finance(金融) after he graduated from college, But he never forgot the boy and the problem he realized.
“We live in a world in which every child can have a chance to get a good education ,because we have everything necessary already.We are able to educate every child . So I promised to help create that world .” Braun said.
Mr Braun raised money for his project. He paid for building the first Pencils of Promise school,in Laos, five years ago. Since then ,his organization has helped pay for more than 200 schools in the countryside of Laos,Nicaragua,Guatemala and Ghana.
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共55分)
46. Where will Lucy and John go tomorrow?
They will go to the museum .
47.How do they plan to go there?
They will
48. How much should each of them pay for the ticket?
Each of them should pay Yuan for the ticket.
49.When had they better arrive at the museum tomorrow?
They had better arrive at tomorrow.
50. W hat does John ask Lucy to take with her?
He asks Lucy to take an with her .
51. When did Adam Braun set up the organization Pencils of Promise?
52. How often is the organization building a new school somewhere six years later?
53. What would the boy in India want if he could have anything in the world?
54. What did the boy’s answer make Adam realize?
55. Why did Adam Braun set up the organization Pencils of Prom ise?
56. There were (thousand) of people at the concert.
57. By the end of this month, people in Beijing will be able to brush their _____ (tooth) with water from Hubei.
58. We have already learned many (interest) ways to relax.
59.These magazines are (me), not yours.
60. It’s (polite) to stare at anyone or to talk loudly in public.
61. Glass didn’t become (wide) used until the 13th century.
62. The larger library you have in your head, the (long)it usually takes to find a particular(特定的)word.
63. After class, children went out of their classroom to enjoy the (warm) of the sun.
Bridges are built for many reasons. Some bridges are built so that cars 64 (cross) over rivers. Others are made for trains to use . In Washington State, there is a very unusual bridge. It was built for squirrels(松鼠) 。
The town of Longview has a very busy street. Many cars pass it every day. When squirrels tried to cross the street, they 65 (kill) . Amos Peters wanted 66 (protect) these small and lovely animals, so he built a bridge for them---one that would let them pass above the traffic.
The bridge 67 (be) a symbol of the town for over 40 years since then. And every Christmas, the local people 68 (add) a small Christmas tree to the center of the bridge ,How lovely!
A few years ago, the local people 69 (create) a squirrel festival and they raised money 70 (build) two more bridges for these lovely animals. For years, because of the bridges . the squirrels in the town have been able to cross safely from one side of the street to the other.
A. everyone B. how long C. weak D. higher E. instead of F. However
G. speed H. left I. until J. lower K. enjoyed L. how far
Isaac Newton was born in Woolsthorpe , England, on December 25,1642. He was born early and he was very__71__.No one believed he could continue to live. But he surprised _72___ . He had one of the most powerful minds in history. And he lived__73___he was 84.
Newton’s father died before he was born. His mother married again a few years later. She __74___ Newton with his grandmother.
The boy was not a good student .Yet he was curious(好奇的) and liked to make things ,such as kites, clocks and simple machines . Newton also__75___finding new ways to answer questions or solve problems .As a boy ,for example, he wanted to find a way to measure(测量) the __76___ of the wind .On a windy day , he measured how far he could jump with the wind at his back .Then he measured ___77__ he could jump with the wind in his face .From the difference between the two jumps, he made his own measure of the power of the wind.
Strangely ,Newton became a much better student after a boy kicked him in the stomach.The boy was one of the best students in the school.Newton decided to get even (报复) by getting __78 ___ marks than the boy who kicked him .In a short time ,Newton became the top student at the school.
Newton left school to help on the family farm.. _79____, the boy was not a good farmer.He spent his time solving math problems. Instead of taking care of the farm. He spent hours visiting a bookstore in town, ___ 80.__ selling his vegetables in the market.An uncle believed that Newton would do better as a student than as a farmer.So he sponsored(资助) the young man into Cambridge University to study math.
请以“My life in ten years为题,根据以下提示,用英语写一篇不少于60词的短文。提示 (短文须包含下列要点):
1. What do you want to be in ten years ? And why?
2. where will you live in ten years?And why?
3. Say something about your family or your free time activities in ten years.
4. What should you do to achieve your dreams?
注意:短文中,不得出现任何与考生本人有关的真实人名、校名及其它相关信息, 否则不予评分。
My life in ten years
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