Ⅴ. 词汇运用(10分)
1. Let’s stop s______. It’s bad for our health.
2. He d______ his shoes under the bed, then went to sleep.
3. They don’t a______ the students to make noise in the classroom.
4. Lucy is outgoing and she has no p______ talking to others.
5. Could you pass on that movie p______ to me? I’d like to read what’s on it.
6. It’s ______ (polite) to leave the dinner table without saying “Excuse me. ”.
7. I’m feeling ______ (comfortable), Jenny. I think I need to see a doctor.
8. Could you please ______ (bring) me a cup of coffee?
9. Why not ______ (buy) Lily a dictionary for her birthday?
10. I saw Li Ming ______ (walk) near the river on my way home.
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