



When I was very young, I wanted to become a veterinarian (兽医) one day, because I loved animals very much, especially dogs. However, there was no room in my adult life for a dog.

Then, last year, I could not stand the fact that I developed cancer (癌症). I wanted to keep a dog, but I knew my illness made it impossible for me to keep one. In early September, to my surprise, my doctor told me that I could keep a pet as my friend, because my immune system (免疫系统) was strong to keep a pet.

The same day I went to an animal market with my friends. When I saw a 9-week-old dog with big brown eyes, nice ears and white fur all over the body, I took it home.

I’m happy these days since Oscar came into my life. My new favorite pastime is to watch him sleep, eat and run. And I have been spending more time caring about him, taking long walks with him in the park.

Now I still have the physical examination once a week at the hospital. But my illness has taken a turn for the better with the company of a dog. My immune system is getting stronger, my doctor tells me. Thanks to Oscar, my life has changed a lot.

( )56. The writer used to want to be a     .

A. doctor B. teacher

C. trainer D. veterinarian

( )57. Why did the writer’s doctor advise her to keep a pet?

A. Because she developed cancer.

B. Because a dog is friendly to her.

C. Because she had a strong immune system to do that.

D. Because she had enough room in her house to keep a pet.

( )58. What does the underlined word “fur” mean in Chinese?

A. 毛皮 B. 头发

C. 爪子 D. 尾巴

( )59. The writer does the following to pass time EXCEPT     .

A. see Oscar run

B. watch Oscar sleep

C. eat with Oscar together

D. take Oscar for long walks

( )60. From the passage, we can infer (推断) that    .

A. the dog is hard to take care of

B. the writer is thankful to her pet dog

C. the writer’s illness gets worse than before

D. now the writer doesn’t need any physical examination


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