




1. W: Tom, why do you like sports shows so much?

M: Because they are really exciting.

W: What about your brother?

M: Well, he likes talent shows, but his favorite is music shows.

Question: What kind of program does Tom like?

2. M: Mum, I don’t want chicken for lunch.

W: OK, I’ll prepare some fish for you, honey.

M: Oh, no. I prefer vegetables.

W: OK. No problem.

Question: What are they going to eat for lunch?

3. W: You look so handsome in the sweater.

M: Thanks. But I prefer the T-shirt to the sweater. Its color is so attractive.

W: I think so. Let’s take it.

Question: What is the man going to buy?

4. W: What’s your dream, David? Do you hope to be a teacher?

M: That's my first choice. Now I’d like to be a basketball star. What about you?

W: Maybe I’ll be a doctor.

Question: What does the man want to be now?

5. M: Susan, I am going camping tomorrow.

W: Oh, please don’t. It’s said that a strong wind is coming.

M: Thank you for telling me. But I don’t mind.

Question: What is the man going to do tomorrow?




W: Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some stamps?

M: Yes, there’s a post office on Center Street.

W: Oh, could you tell me how to get to Center Street?

M: Sure, Just walk past the bank and then turn right. The post office is on the right, next to the library, you can’t miss it.

W: Oh, how far is it from here?

M: Well, it’s about one kilometer from here to the bank, and five hundred meters to the post office..

W: It’s not far. I’ll walk there. Thanks a lot.

Questions: 6. Where does the woman want to go?

7. How will the woman get there?

8. How far is it from here to the post office?


M: What’s your favorite, music or sports?

W: Music, of course.

M: Which do you think is more important, words or music?

W: I think both are important. I like the songs that have good music and words.

M: Do you play any musical instruments?

W: Yes. I like playing the violin. I practice playing it on Saturday and Sunday.

M: Do you want to be a singer in the future?

W: No, I don’t. I want to be a violin player in a band.

M: May you succeed.

W: Thank you.

Questions: 9. Which does the girl think is more important, words or music?

10. How often does the girl play the violin?

11. What does the girl want to be in the future?


W: Hi, David! You look stressed. What’s wrong?

M: Well, I had a bad day. Something unexpected happened to me.

W: Really? What happened?

M: Mr Li got angry with me this morning, because I couldn’t turn in my homework. When I got to school, I realized I had left it at home.

W: What a pity!

M: In the afternoon we had a chemistry exam and I failed it. What a bad day!

W: Don’t be stressed. Maybe I can help you with your chemistry.

M: It’s kind of you to say so. How about this evening? I have a lot of chemistry problems to work out. Can you help me with it?

W: No problem!

Questions: 12. What happened to David in the morning?

13. Did David pass the exam?

14. What will they do this evening?


W: Can you go to Tom’s birthday party, Mike?

M: Sure, Alice. Is it on Sunday?

W: No, it’s on Saturday evening.

M: Where is he going to have the birthday party, at home or somewhere ?

W: At the Blue Moon Restaurant.

M: Oh, it’s a long way. How shall we go there, by bike or on foot?

W: Neither, let’s take a taxi.

M: OK. By the way, is your desk mate, Lily going there, too?

W: No, she isn’t. She has to prepare for the exam.

Questions: 15. When is the birthday party?

16. How will they go to the restaurant?

17. What does Lily have to do?


W: Hi, Jackson! What are you doing?

M: I’m reading a report named “Under the Dome”.

W: “Under the Dome”? Was it written by Harry Potter?

M: No, it was written by Thomson.

W: What’s it about?

M: The report is about that the air is badly polluted. We hardly ever see blue skies anymore.

W: What does the writer think has caused this problem?

M: Well, there are more cars on the road these days. And factories that send out black smoke to pollute the air.

W: Oh, that’s terrible. What are your ideas to solve these problems?

M: Well, to cut down air pollution, I suggest taking the bus or subway instead of driving.

W: Yeah, we should try our best to protect our environment.

Questions: 18. Who wrote the report Under the Dome?

19. What’s the report about?

20. What are Jackson’s ideas to solve these problems?


Tom was happy to get one dollar from his father. He wanted to buy a toy with it. So he put on his hat and ran into the street. There he met some boys throwing snowballs. Soon Tom joined them. He sent a snowball at James, but he missed him, and broke a window on the other side of the street. Tom was afraid and ran as fast as he could. But soon he stopped. He said to himself, “It was wrong to break the window, I will go back and pay for it.”

He went back to the house and saw an old man. Tom told him what he did, then he gave the man the dollar he had. The old man took the dollar, and asked Tom his name and where he lived. At last, the old man said, “OK.”

At dinner time, Tom’s father told him to go and look in his hat. Tom found two dollars there! His father told Tom that an old man came and gave back his dollar and another more. Because he thought Tom was an honest boy.

Questions: 21. Who gave Tom one dollar at first?

22. What happened when Tom went to buy a toy?

23. Why did Tom go back to the house?

24. How much money did Tom get at last?

25. What does the story want to tell us?


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