


【摘要】学习不是苦差事,做好学习中的每一件事,你就会发现学习要抓住基本知识:即不好高骛远,而忽略基本的东西。威廉希尔app 分享了双鸭山中考英语知识,供大家阅读参考!

at ?

[误] It will really do you no harm quite.?

[正] It will really do you no harm at all.?

[析] at all和quite的汉语意思均为"全然"、"确定的",但at all适用于否定句,例如:

-I'm sorry. I'm late.?

-No trouble at all. ?

又如:I don't think it is right at all. 而quite则适用于肯定句,例如:He is quite a good teacher.?

[误] The children play football for lunch.?

[正] The children play football at lunch.?

[析] 英语中的at lunch为"在吃午饭时"。这种惯用法还有at work(在工作),at table(在吃饭),at desk(在学习)。而for lunch则是为午饭而准备的食物,又如:We had some milk for breakfast.?

[误] There is a post office in the corner of the street.?

[正] There is a post office at the corner of the street.?

[析] at the corner是指墙外面的角,而in the corner是指建筑物内部的角落。例如:There is a computer in the corner of the room. There is a street lamp at the corner of the street.?

at in on ?

在表示时间时用来表示具体钟点用at,如:He will be back at six. 表示一天的上、 下午时要用in,如:I usually get up at six in the morning. 但要注意的是,in the morning和in the afternoon这两个词组中如果加入了任何修饰词,其介词要换为on, 如:on the cold morning, on the hot afternoon.又如:See you on Monday morning. 如讲到具体的某一天,要用on, 如:on Sunday, 如:I usually want to visit my mother on Sundays. 在谈到周、月、季、年时要用in,如:All the children will be happy in Easter week. He was born in July. 但要注意在泛指圣诞节、复活节、感恩节时都用at, 如:Where are you going at Easter.?






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