



(  )1. Mr. Green has three children. One is a boy and_______ two are girls.

A. the other B. another C. other D. the others

another 指三者以上的另一个。 如: I don’t this one, Please show me another one.

the other表示特指,因为只有3个人除去1个,剩余的得用特指。

the other加复数名词指的是一定范围内“所有其余的人或事物”,是特指;而other加复数名词却是没有明确范围的“另外的人或事物”。Some students like English and other students (others) like physics. 有些学生喜欢英语,有些学生喜欢物理。I have two pens. One is blue. The other (pen) is black.

(  )2. He wants a radio, but he has no money to buy_______ .

A. it B. one C. ones D. that

one 用作替代词主要用于替代“a+单数可数名词”,即 one = a +上文出现的名词;表泛指;若需特指,则用 the one。如:A fast train is one that goes fast. 快车是一种行驶快的火车。 Open the drawer on the left, the one with a key in it. 打开左边的抽屉,上面有钥匙的那个。it 用来指代上文出现的同一个单数名词(必需是单数名词, 包括可数名词单数和不可数名词)

( )3。Remember to turn off the lights, __________ ?

A. don’t you B. shall we C. will you D. can’t you

will you祈使句反义疑问句一般用will you另外记住一个特殊的就是:Let’s开头的,用shall we?但Let us ....,will you?

( )4. You should _______ your friend to help you.

A. let B.make C. get D. have

let have make这三个动词可以直接加Sb. do sth.不需加to只有get需要加to。

( )5. He regards the novel as one of the best ____ .

A. he’s reading B. he read C. he had ever read D. he has ever read


( )6。He is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been________.

A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular


如:Nothing is so easy as this.= Nothing is easier than this. =This is the easiest thing.

如:I can't be better today. 我今天感觉再好不过了。I can't agree with you more.我完全同意你。(再同意不过了)We can't have a worse day. 今天真是再糟不过了。(最糟糕的一天)

( )7.Mr. Brown doesn’t talk much. In fact, he’s a man of _____ words.

A. a few B. little C. few D. a little

few, little表否定,”没有” 但 a few,a little表肯定“一些”,有本句是说他没有多少话。

( )8. Hong kong is______ the south of China, and Macao is ____ the west of Hong Kong.

A. to to B. in to C. to in D. in in

作为方位介词,in 指范围之内的…方向;to指范围之外的…方面. 本题主要看所列地点在不在这个国家的范围内。

( )9。-Ken, when will you come back from America? I want you to buy an ipad 2 for me.

-I will be back _______________ the night of May 31st.

A. to B. on C. at D. in

具体到哪一天的上下午晚上和有形容词修饰的日期,时间前用on 如:on a cold morning.

( ) 10. ---Do you think that teenagers can drive alone?

--- I am afraid not. I don’t think they ____________to do so.

A. should allow B. shouldn’t be allowed C. should be allowed D. shouldn’t be allow

Shouldn’t / Should be allowed to do sth.不应该/ 应该被允许做某事

( )11. He found_______his duty to face the challenges in his education.

A. it's B. it C. that was D. that's

find / feel 等V经常用it做形式宾语。如: He found it important to study English well. 这里it 就是做形式上的宾语,而后面的不定式to study English才是真正的宾语。

( )12。--- I can't stop playing computer games. --- For your health, my boy, I'm afraid you _______. .

A. have to B. may C. will D. can

---我没办法不玩游戏。 ---为了你的健康,我想你必须停止玩游戏。must是主观上必须, have to是客观上必须.

( )13.Don’t ___________ about things so much. It will make you stressed out.

A. afraid B. terrify C. terrified D. worry

( )14. Sam got _____ about the words and ended ______ in a low voice

A. frustrating, speaking B. frustrated, up speaking C. frustrate, to speak D. frustrating, up speaking

( )15. ---Why don’t you have a notebook with you ?----- I’ve ____ it at home.

A. lost B. forgotten C. left D. found

( ) 16. ______ it's difficult to make her dream come true, she never gives up.

A. Though B. If C. Because D. When

( ) 17. Jay Chou didn’t use to sing the words _______________, so most people couldn’t understand him.

A. enough clear B. clear enough C. enough clearly D. clearly enough

( ) 18. Danny did all kinds of things to make the baby ______, but he failed.

A. to stop to cry B. stop crying C. to stop crying D. stop to cry

( ) 19. The story books ________are on my desk are very interesting.

A. that B. / C. what D. who

( ) 20. --- The TV show Home with Kids is so wonderful. You shouldn't miss it.

--- If I have time, I _____ it.

A. see B. saw C. am seeing D. will see

( ) 21. -Do you think it will rain tomorrow?

-_______________. It hasn’t rained for several months! It’s too dry.

A. I hope so B. I hope not C. I don’t hope so D. I think not

( ) 22. There is a school trip tomorrow, but the teacher didn’t tell us _______________.

A. when we will leave B. where would we meet C. if we can bring some food D. where we would meet

( ) 23. Dad must be in the room,because the light in the room is _______.

A:in B.on C.off D.open

( ) 24. ______ seems that all the students in my class have known the good news.

A.They B.It C.This D.That

( ) 25. _______ All the boys were______at the_____ news.

A.frustrating; frustrating B.frustrating; frustrated B.frustrated; frustrating D.frustrated; frustrated

( ) 26. When we practice speaking English,we often end up_____ in Chinese.

A.to speak B.speaking C.spoken D.speaking

( ) 27. It is impolite to______ those persons in trouble.

A.laugh to B.laugh with C.laugh of D.laugh at

( )28. If you don’t know how to spell a new word, you’d better______.

A.look up a dictionary B.look up an dictionary C.look it up in a dictionary D.look it up in an dictionary

( ) 29. I’m afraid _____ that you have made ____ grammar of this sentence.

A. to say, a mistake B. saying , mistakes in C. to say, a mistake in D. saying , mistakes to

( )30. My father______ us stories when I was young.

A.was used to tell B.is used to telling C.used to tell D.used to telling

( )31.Linda used to be quiet, but now she is ______.

A.outgoing B.more quickly C.noisy D.quieter

( )32.Most little children like to sleep with their mother. They are_____ the dark.

A.interested in B.afraid C.terrified of D.sure of

( )33.John and I had a little trouble______ English grammar.

A.learn B.learned C.learning D.to learn

( )34.David was chewing gum________.

A.anyway B.all the time C.all time D.all the same

( )35.--- I do some running every morning. --- So _________.

A.is he B.does he C.he is D.he does

( )36.The other day, my friends and I got to ______ about the rules that we have in school.

A.talking B.talk C.talked D.talks

( )37.The students stay together and they may talk ______ homework.

A.instead of doing B.instead doing C.instead of do D.instead do

( )38。I enjoy watching TV, but I can’t much time it .

A. pay, for B. take, to C. spend , on D. cost , on

( ) 39. -----How about going shopping this weekend ,Peter? -------Sorry , I prefer rather than .

A. to stay at home , go out B. to go out , stay at home

C. staying at home ,go out D. going out , stay at home

( ) 40. -----Hurry up! The bus is coming .

-----Wait a moment, don’t cross the street the traffic lights are green.

A. after B. until C. while D. since

( ) 41. You won’t succeed ___you work harder than before. A. if B. whether C. unless D. why

( ) 42. When I was a child, I used to ______ chocolate.

A. liking B. liked C. like D. likes

( )43. --- I plan to buy a new MP3. Do you know the price?

--- Oh, maybe you can buy ___ used one. It’s much cheaper than ___ new one.

A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an

( ) 44. --- Kate, ___________ is waiting for you outside. --- Really? Who can it be?

A. everyone B. no one C. anyone D. someone

( ) 45. ---Look at the sign on the right. ---Oh, smoking here.

A. doesn’t allow B. isn’t allowed C. didn’t allow D. wasn’t allowed

( ) 46. If people cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere .

A. keep, to live in B. will keep, to live in C. keep, to live D. will keep, to live

( ) 47. It's very hot in the room. Would you please keep the window .

A. open B. opens C. to open D. close

( ) 48. We don't agree them, but we agree the plan.

A. with, with B. to, to C. with, to D. to, with

( ) 49. I don’t your opinion.

A. care about B. care for C. take care of D. take care

( ) 50. 1.—Jim enjoys listening to pop music. — .

A. So does Helen. B. Also is Helen C. Helen likes also D. So Helen does

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