Choose the best topic from A to F according to the passage.
( )61. Now colleges and universities have become a big market for many banks. As a result, some students even have two or three credit cards(信用卡).
( )62. Though the Spring Festival is still months away, the railway station in Guangzhou is already crowded with migrant workers waiting for trains home.
( )63. It’s reported that 110,000 people lose their lives to traffic accidents in China each year. Drivers are mainly at fault: They drive after drinking, carry more goods than allowed and break the traffic rules.
( )64. A recent survey in Shanghai shows, 33% of the high school students were not sure whether to give seats to the old and weak and almost 17% said they wouldn’t. Why does this happen?
( )65. Not long ago, a team of tourists was shocked and disappointed to see the dry riverbed(河床)of Lijiang River in Guilin.
PLACE: Beijing Museum
TIME: every Monday in June
PRICE: ¥50
TIME: 7:00 p.m.~10:00 p.m.
There are 120,000 pieces on show here.
You can see the whole of Chinese history.
It’s always interesting to visit. WE’VE MOVED
Please come to our housewarming, and help us celebrate in our new house, 8:00 p.m. on May 30.
Belle and Paula
44 Wright Avenue
Tel: 555-2981
Dear Li Lei,
Thank you for your letter. We have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving. In Canada, families always celebrate Thanksgiving together. We will go to my grandparents’ house. I hope you can have Thanksgiving with us one day. Please write soon.
Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to what you read.
( ) 66. On Monday, you can see the whole of the world history at 9:00 p.m.
( ) 67. You can spend 50 yuan visiting Beijing Museum on Mondays in June.
( ) 68. Belle and Paula have just moved to a new house.
( ) 69. This letter is from Li Lei to Celia.
( ) 70. Canadians usually get together with their families on Thanksgiving Day.
【总结】2010年大庆中考英语练习试题阅读理解A就为大家介绍到这儿了,希望初三的同学们好好复习。更多精彩内容尽在威廉希尔app 。
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