



听 力 材 料


1.M: Hello, I’m Mike’s father. I want to know if Mike is getting along well with his new classmates?

W: Very well. Mike is a friendly and helpful boy. Everyone likes him.

Q: What’s Mike like?

2.M: Maria, what do you want to be in the future?

W: Maybe I’ll be a teacher. It would be a lot of fun.

M: I think you would be happy with your students.

W: Yes, I think so.

Q: What does Maria think of becoming a teacher?

3.M: Jane, nice to see you.

W: Nice to see you, too.

M: We haven’t seen each other since we graduated in 2000. How’s everything going on?

W: Pretty good. I’m a teacher now. I’m happy to be with my students.

Q: Who are the two speakers?

4.M: Excuse me, Miss Zhang. How long have you worked in this school?

W: Since I graduated from the teachers’ college.

M: When did you graduate?

W: In 2003.

Q: How long has Miss Zhang worked in this school?

5.W: Do you like singing, Michael?

M: Yes, I like dancing, too. What about you, Maria?

W: The same as you.

Q: What does Maria like?



Conversation 1

M: Jane, do you know Annie?

W: Yes, of course. We met at an evening party, and then we saw each other quite often. We have the same interests, so we do a lot of things together. We enjoy studying together.

M: Is Annie a friendly girl?

W: Yes, she is. She is friendly and kind, and she often helps others. That’s why she has so many friends. Everyone likes her.

M: Can you introduce her to me?

W: Sure, Jack. There is going to be a picnic this Sunday in Green Park. I will do that if you join us.

M: That will be fine.


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