二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。
( )21. Xi’an is ancient city. It has long history.
A.a; a B. an, a C. The; an D. / ; a
( )22. - Look at Victor’s new bike, is it the same yours?
-No. Mine is different his.
A. as; from B. to, from C. with; with D. As; with
( )23.The water is not enough. Add some more sugar, please.
A. clean B. sweet C. salty D. fresh
( )24. Liu Chang thinks with friends in English is very helpful. [
A.talks B. talk C. talked D. talking .
( )25. - Avengers: Age of Ultron(《复仇者联盟2》)is very wonderful, isn’t it? - Yes, but I don’t think like it.
A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody
( )26. There will be an important test tomorrow morning. You be late.
A. may not B. Needn’t C: mustn't D. couldn’t
( )27.In the past ten years.there great changes in my hometown.
A: were B. have been C. are D. are going to be
( )28.- It seems that Dave likes playing basketball very much.
- Yes. He plays almost every day it rains heavily.
A. whether B.'when C. unless D. as
( )29.It is raining outside. You'd better drive possible.
A. more careful B. more carefully C. as careful as D. as carefully as
( )30.1f the teacher us any homework tomorrow, we will go bike riding. A. gives B. doesn’t give . C. will give D. won’t give
( )31. When my father was , he became a doctor in a big hospital.
A. at twenties . B. in his twenties
C. at twenty D. in the twentieth [
( )32.- Has your father stopped smoking?
- Not yet. It's quite hard for him to
A. break off it B. give up it C. break it off . D. give it up .
( )33.- The cinema is quite near walk over there?
-All right.
A. Why don’t we B. How about C. Would you like D. What for
( )34. There are so many kinds of mobile phones in the shop: We can't decide
A. what to buy . B. to buy what C. which to buy D. ta buy which
( )35. The doorbell is ringing. Would you please go to see ?
A, who it is B. who is it:.
C. where does he go D. where he goes
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