




A: Oh, I’m so hungry.

B: Didn't you have breakfast this morning?   .

A: (76)                   . I got up late so I didn't have any time for breakfast.

B: (77)                     ?

A: My dad drove me to school. We were in a hurry, and we didn't buy anything to eat.

B:(78)                     ?

A: I don’t think so. Time to have classes, and we are not allowed to eat in class.

B: Then you have to wait till lunch time. (79)                                ?

A:  I'd like to have three hamburgers !

B: Oh, that-s too bad! (80)                                    ?

A: Vegetables and rice? OK! Anything is OK.



的行事方法,请你以“A good way to____”为题写一篇短文

要求;1.文中不出现个人真实信息.  2.语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺。  3. 80词


A good way to




1. M: Wow! Mary, you got an A in the math exam

W: I love math. It's interesting. But I still need to work harder at Chinese and English.

2. M: Did you usually help your grandfather milk the cows, Jane?

W: No. I usually help him feed the chickens on the farm.

3. M: Cindy, do you belong to any clubs?

W: Yes, I belong to a book club. We read books and meet once a month to discuss them.

4. M: What do you think of the meal? I think all the dishes are salty.

W: Really? I don't think so. I think they are delicious, because I'm hungry.

5. M: I usually go to school by subway. How about you?

W: I hate taking the subway. It's often crowded. But yesterday, my bike was  broken so I had to take the subway to go to school.




M: Hello, Alice. What were you doing at seven last night?

W: I was helping my little sister with her homework at home.

M: You're helpful. Could I use your dictionary today?

W: I'm so sorry. I lent it to Rose yesterday.

M: That's OK.


M: Julie, you've finally answered the phone,

W: It's so noisy here. I didn't hear my phone ringing. It's already 6:40. Where are you now?

M: I'm in the restaurant.

W: Why not meet me in the mall now?[

M: Listen, Julie. I'm afraid we won't be able to book a table tonight. So I came to  this restaurant 20 minutes ago.

W: OK, I see. I'll be right there.


Hello. my name is Franklin, but my friends often call me Frank. I was born in Toronto, but I grew up in New York. I'm fifteen years old now and I'm a student in a junior high school. I live with my parents, my elder brother and my younger sister in a big house. My mother likes animals, so you can see dogs, cats and fish in our garden. You can even see a snake that is four meters long there.


W: Liu Tao, your English is so excellent. How do you learn English? Do you often read grammar books?

M: No. I think grammar is boring.

W: Do you often watch English programs?

M: Yes. If the program is very interesting, I will watch it for several times.  Watching English programs helps me improve my listening.

W: You are also good at speaking. What do you think is the best way to improve speaking skills?

M: I think the best way is to speak English as much as possible. Try to find a partner to practice English with. And don't be afraid to make mistakes.


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