1. M: Wow! Mary, you got an A in the math exam
W: I love math. It's interesting. But I still need to work harder at Chinese and English.
2. M: Did you usually help your grandfather milk the cows, Jane?
W: No. I usually help him feed the chickens on the farm.
3. M: Cindy, do you belong to any clubs?
W: Yes, I belong to a book club. We read books and meet once a month to discuss them.
4. M: What do you think of the meal? I think all the dishes are salty.
W: Really? I don't think so. I think they are delicious, because I'm hungry.
5. M: I usually go to school by subway. How about you?
W: I hate taking the subway. It's often crowded. But yesterday, my bike was broken so I had to take the subway to go to school.
M: Hello, Alice. What were you doing at seven last night?
W: I was helping my little sister with her homework at home.
M: You're helpful. Could I use your dictionary today?
W: I'm so sorry. I lent it to Rose yesterday.
M: That's OK.
M: Julie, you've finally answered the phone,
W: It's so noisy here. I didn't hear my phone ringing. It's already 6:40. Where are you now?
M: I'm in the restaurant.
W: Why not meet me in the mall now?[
M: Listen, Julie. I'm afraid we won't be able to book a table tonight. So I came to this restaurant 20 minutes ago.
W: OK, I see. I'll be right there.
Hello. my name is Franklin, but my friends often call me Frank. I was born in Toronto, but I grew up in New York. I'm fifteen years old now and I'm a student in a junior high school. I live with my parents, my elder brother and my younger sister in a big house. My mother likes animals, so you can see dogs, cats and fish in our garden. You can even see a snake that is four meters long there.
W: Liu Tao, your English is so excellent. How do you learn English? Do you often read grammar books?
M: No. I think grammar is boring.
W: Do you often watch English programs?
M: Yes. If the program is very interesting, I will watch it for several times. Watching English programs helps me improve my listening.
W: You are also good at speaking. What do you think is the best way to improve speaking skills?
M: I think the best way is to speak English as much as possible. Try to find a partner to practice English with. And don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Hi, I'm Gina. The summer vacation is coming. All my good friends are going to do something different. Jenny is going to learn to play the guitar first. Then she is going to Yunnan on vacation. Maria is going to visit her grandparents and stay there for a few days. She hasn't seen them for six months and misses them very much. Then she is going to learn German. She wants to work in Berlin when she grows up. Betty is going to help her parents do the chores at home. Then she is going to find a part-time job as a teacher. Oh, I'm going to join the swimming club. I'm also going to tour around London.l hope that we can have a good time during the vacation.
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