Long ago, there was a little girl who was born into a poor family.
One day, the little girl wanted to decorate(装饰) a 36 . Her father became 37 when he found that his three-year-old daughter had wasted plenty of wrapping paper (包装纸). He punished her.
The next morning, the little girl 38 earlier than usual. She brought the box to her father and said, "This is 39 you, Daddy. It's a Christmas present. " The father felt sorry for his earlier behavior. However; when he opened the box,. he saw that the box was . 40 The father became angry again and shouted at his daughter, ' Don't you know when you give someone a present, there should be 41 inside?" The little girl looked up at her 42 with tears in her eyes. She cried, "Daddy, ifs not empty at all. I put my 43 in the box. " Hearing this, the father put his arms around his little daughter. 44 he asked for her forgiveness(原谅).
Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is said that the father 45 that box by his bed for many years. Whenever he felt bad, he would take out a kiss and remember the love of his daughter.
( )36. A. box B. bed C. tree D. house
( )37. A. sad B. excited C. proud D. angry
( )38. A. stood up B. looked up C. got up D. Fell asleep
( )39. A. for B. from C. of D. by
( )40. A. dirty B. empty C. ugly D. clean
( )41. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing
( )42. A. sister B. brother C. mother D. father
( )43. A. tears . B. kisses C. hugs D. courage
( )44. A. Also B. However C. Anyway D. Instead
( )45. A. showed B. missed C. kept D. passed
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