


六、任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Smoking is bad for you, but what if your parents smoke? You might be worried about their health, be tired of smelling the smoke, or even a little embarrassed by it. You can’t order your parents t o stop smoking, but you can help them to give up this bad habit. Tell them smoking is not good for their health.

If you think it will help, you could find some articles like this one and give them to your parents. Many states now have free programs to help people give up smoking. You might even see them advertised on billboards(公告栏) in your town. Point these out to your parents and help them to find out more about these programs.

What if your parents get angry with you for mentioning the topic of smoking? People don’t like to be told that they are doing  something unhealthy, so it is possible your parents will be angry, especially if they are worried they won’t be able to give up smoking. Maybe they have tried before but failed.

Remember to be kind and show respect(尊敬) when you discuss smoking with your parents. Also remember that it is not easy to give up smoking. Some people have tried several times before they’re able to give up. Instead of shouting at them, tell them that you love them and want them to enjoy many healthy years ahead. They may finally realize you are right about smoking.

If your parents agree to stop smoking, be their biggest supporter. Ask if there is anything you can do when they feel the desire(渴望) to smoke. Maybe you could go for a walk, do a puzzl e, or listen to music together. As they reach their goals, such as a month without smoking, remember to celebrate the achievement.

Topic ●How to    61    your parents give up smoking

Causes  ●Smoking does   62    to their health.

●You either    63    about their health or  are tired o f smelling their smoke.

Ways ●It may be helpful to find some articles for them about    64    up smoking.

●Ask them to read    65   programs provided by many states.

●You should know that your parents may get   66    when you mention the topic

of smoking.

●Show your kindness and respect when you have a    67    on smoking with them.

●It is important to remember that it is   68    to give up smoking.

To   69   your parents in giving up smoking, you can have a lot to do. ●Spend some time with them. For example, you may go for a walk, do a puzzle, or listen to music together.

●Remember to celebrate their achievement when they

stop smoking for a   70  .


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