


大家把理论知识学习好的同时,也应该要复习,从复习中找到自己的不足,下面是威廉希尔app 中考频道为大家整理的中考英语阅读理解提升训练,希望对大家有帮助。

Bad teeth, a heavier body? And now, weaker bones (骨骼). Last week, American scientists found another bad thing about cola: It's bad for our bones, especially women's bones.

Well, if cola is bad for us, you may want other popular drinks, for example, energy drinks (功能饮料). Energy drinks look cool. Their makers say they give you energy and make you better at sports. So, many students drink them before exams to help them stay awake.

But wait. To keep you awake, most energy drinks have a lot of caffeine (咖啡因). They are like a strong cup of coffee or tea. If you drink a lot of them, your heart will beat faster. You will feel nervous. You could also have sleeping problems and find it hard to live without them.

Amanda Smith is a 16-year-old US junior high school student. She drinks one or more energy drinks every day. She started to do this a year ago before dance class. But now, Smith says, "I drink them whenever I feel weak or before a test. I cannot help drinking them."

The energy you get from the drinks helps for only a short time. You may feel good for an hour or so, but then you'll feel worse than before.

( ) 48. What does the writer mainly try to tell us in the reading?

A. Energy drinks keep us awake.

B. Cola is bad for our bones.

C. Energy drinks can be very helpful.

D. Be careful of unhealthy drinks.

( ) 49. How old did Amanda Smith begin to take energy drnks?

A. Sixteen. B. Fifteen. C. Fourteen. D. Thirteen.

( ) 50. Though energy drinks make one feel good at first, it __________.

A. won’t last for long B. looks very cool

C. won’t be bad for us D. gets worse than before

答案: 48. D 49. B 50. A






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