


【摘要】对于广大中考生来说,初中三年的努力拼搏,就是为了在中考中取得好的成绩,为此威廉希尔app 中考频道帮大家搜集了海口2013年中考英语模拟试题,供大家复习时借鉴!

考试时间:120分钟   满分:120分)




1.A.A doctor. B.A worker. C.A teacher.


2.A.He was hurt in a match.

B.He had his leg broken.

C.He couldn’t sleep last night.


3.A.10:40 p.m. B.8:40 a.m. C.9:40 p.m.


4.A.Clean the seat. B.Move the bag. C.Take the seat.


5.A.The boy’s grandpa. B.Tom. C.The woman.


6.A.For three years. B.Since two years ago. C.Four year ago.


7.A.It’s better to call another time.

B.Sam may disturb(打扰) them.

C.Sam usually gets home late in the evening.


8.A.The traffic is heavy.

B.The office is far away.

C.There is something wrong with the road.


9.A.In a bookstore. B.In a library. C.In the post office.


第二节 (共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分)



10.Why does the man look so fit?

A.Because he eats some vegetables.

B.Because he often takes exercise.

C.Because he often goes to work on foot.


11.How often does the woman play tennis?

A.Three times a day. B.Three times a year. C.Every day.



12.Which is the least popular mobile phone according to the dialogue?

A.Motorola. B.Nokia. C.Siemens.


13.What kind of mobile phone will the man buy?

A.The newest type. B.A practical(实用的) one. C.An expensive one.


14.How much will the man spend on the phone?

A.¥1500. B.¥5000. C.¥1600.



15.What are they talking about?

A.How to be a basketball player.

B.Volunteer jobs.

C.What to do for Grandmother.


16.Why can’t the boy take the job to clean up the parks? Because _________.

A.he doesn’t like it

B.he had to look after his grandmother

C.he thinks it’s tiring to do the job


17.What job does the boy decide to do at last?

A.To teach kids basketball.

B.To read to people at the hospital.

C.To clean up the parks.



18.Who did Tina stay with last night?

A.John. B.Amy. C.Nobody.


19.How many restaurants did they go?

A.Only one. B.Two. C.Three.


20.How did Tina feel about loud music?

A.It made her nervous.

B.She felt bored.

C.She wanted to dance to the music.


21.What made Tina want to cry?

A.A sad song. B.A movie. C.A terrible concert.



22.What was the man doing in the passage?

A.Selling maps. B.Asking the way. C.Staying in a hospital.


23.Why was the woman going to laugh at the man?

A.She thought he was a farmer.

B.The man was impolite.

C.The man was foolish.


24.Which of the following is true?

A.Mrs. Smith had lots of housework to do every day.

B.The traffic was busy in front of the shop.

C.Mrs. Smith was kind and helpful to the man.


25.What happened in the end?

A.Mrs. Smith got the farmer into trouble.

B.The man cleverly answered the woman.

C.The man thanked Mrs. Smith.



1.M: Where are you going?

W: I’m going to my office. My students are waiting for me there.

Q: What does the woman do?

2.M: You look tired today.

W: So I do. I didn’t sleep well last night.

M: What was the matter?

W: My brother fell from the chair and broke his leg. I looked after him in the hospital.

Q: What happened to the girl’s brother?

3.M: Why is the Huangshang Supermarket closed?

W: Look! The Business Hours are from 9 to 22. We are 20 minutes early.

Q: What time is it now?

4.M: Excuse me , is this seat taken?

W: No, I’ll move my bag.

Q: What does the man want to do?

5.W: Who are you looking for, Tom?

M: My grandpa. Do you see him?

W: Yes. Look at the river. He’s fishing there.

Q: Who is fishing at the river?

6.W: When did you come to Huanggang, Jim?

M: I came here about two years ago. My parents came here one year earlier than I did.

Q: How long have Jim’s parents been in Huanggang?

7.W: I thought I’d give Sam a call now.

M: Isn’t it a little late at night?

Q: What does the man mean?

8.M: Be careful! There is much traffic.

W: But I must get to the office as soon as possible.

M: I’m afraid you mustn’t cross the road from here. It’s dangerous.

Q: Why can’t the woman cross the road from here?

9.M: Excuse me, can I borrow a book about stamp collecting?

W: Sorry, we don’t have this kind of book at the moment. You may try the bookstore over there.

Q: Where is the man now?

10.W: You look so fit, Guy, What’s the secret? How often do you take exercise?

M: Every day. What about you, Lucy?

W: I’m rather lazy, but I do a bit for tennis.

M: How often?

W: Three or four times maybe.

M: A week?

W: No, three or four times a year.

11.W: Good morning. Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. I’d like to buy a mobile phone, but I don’t know much about mobile phones.

W: Well, what brand do you like, Motorola, Nokia or Siemens?

M: I have no idea. Which brand is sold best?

W: Motorola and Nokia are more popular. You can buy a Nokia if you like.

M: How much is a Nokia?

W: It depends on what types you buy. The old type is cheaper and the new type is expensive.

M: I don’t want the newest. A practical one will do.

W: You can have this one. It looks nice and works well, and it’s not expensive.

M: How much is it?

W: 1,500 yuan.

M: Does it include everything?

W: No. If you choose a number, you need to pay another 100 yuan.

M: Ok, I’ll take this one and I need a number as well. Thanks for your help.

W: It’s my pleasure.

12.M: Hello, Mrs. Li. I’d like to be a volunteer. Can you help me?

W: Sure. What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?

M: Well, I like working with kids.

W: Do you know how to play basketball? We need someone to help teach kids basketball.

M: No, I don’t really like basketball. Is there anything else?

W: Sure. There’s a job cleaning up the parks. It’s on every Sunday.

M: That’s no good. I help take care of my grandmother on Sundays.

W: I see. Here’s another job. Do you know how to fix up bicycles?

M: Sorry. I can’t even fix up my own bicycle.

W: Okay. Maybe this is a good one. We need someone to read to people at the hospital. You can do it any day you like.

M: That sounds good.

13.M: Did you and Amy have fun last night, Tina?

W: Well, John, I don’t think so.

M: Was Amy late as usual?

W: Yes, she was. And waiting for her made me angry.

M: Where did you go?

W: First we went to Xihu Restaurant, but Amy didn’t want to stay. She said that loud music made her nervous.

M: That’s funny. Loud music always makes me want to dance.

W: Me too. So then we went to Baiyun Restauraut. It was quiet and the food was great. We had a good time.

M: Then did you go to the concert at the high school?

W: No. We decided to go to the movies. We saw a good movie, but it was so sad that it made me cry.

M: Sad movies just make me want to leave!

14.Mrs. Smith often felt lonely when her husband went to work. The room was small and she always spent only half an hour tidying it. She couldn’t get up early in the morning, so Mr. Smith had to cook breakfast himself. It was winter morning. The sun was shining, and it was warmer outside than it was in the room.

The woman sat on the step of the shop looking at the busy traffic. At that moment, a man with a map in his hand was coming towards her. “Excuse me, Madam, could you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital, please?” Mrs. Smith looked him up and down. “He seems to be a farmer,” the woman said to herself. “Let me laugh at him.” Then she turned to him and said, “Lie down in the middle of the street, and you’ll soon be sent to a hospital.” “Please show an example to me,” said the man. She had to tell the way to him and then she said, “I think you are in the city for the first time. It’s much more beautiful than the field. Is that right?” “Yes, Madam,” said the farmer with a smile. “But I think it’s built on the field.”


第一节 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


26.I’ve been with the two classes for a year.

A.a year ago B.before a year C.since a year ago D.since a year

27.In the birthday party, Mary can’t wait to open the presents.

A.wants to wait for the presents B.wants to open the presents very much

C.can’t wait for the presents D.don’t want to open the presents

28.Yu Ming failed to answer my question in class today.

A.didn’t able to B.wasn’t able to

C.wasn’t successful D.didn’t want to

29.Miss Li asks her students not to play football in the classroom.

A.to stop to play B.to stop playing

C.without playing D.don’t play

30.Please hand me your new dictionary, Ding Jie?

A.leave B.gave C.pass D.seat

答案:26—30 C B B B C


26.for a year意思是“持续一年的时间”。since a year ago意思是“自一年前到现在”。

27.can’t wait to do sth.意思是“迫不及待地想做某事”。

28.fail to意为“失败”“没能做到”相当于be not able to。C选项successful后不能直接接动词。故选B。

29.ask sb. not to do sth.相当于ask sb. to stop doing sth.“叫某人不要做某事”,故选B。



31.— How do people in China spend the Mid-autumn Festival?

— They make________ to celebrate it.

A.moon cakes B.moons cakes C.rice dumplings D.pumpkin pies

32.— _________ it is!

— Let’s go to the river bank to fly the kites.

A.What a snowy day B.How fine day

C.What a windy day D.How dry

33.— Did Aunt Li buy a skirt last Sunday?

— Sure. She chose_________ one of the two green skirts.

A.less expensive B.the least expensive

C.the less expensive D.the most expensive

34.— A Wuhan Morning Paper, Please.

— Only one copy left. Would you like to have_________, sir?

A.it B.one C.this D.that

35.— May I use your MP3, Wang Lan?

— _________.

A.Sure, get ahead B.Yes, help yourself

C.Of course not D.It doesn’t matter

36.— Shall I tell Tina about it?

— No, you_________. I’ve told her.

A.won’t B.mustn’t C.didn’t have to D.needn’t

37.— Can’t you see the Ehuang Bridge?

— Yes, it looks so nice. It’s about__________.

A.3000-meter-long B.3000-meters long

C.3000-meter long D.3000 meters long

38.— Lu Huan, you look tired today, What’s wrong?

— I was ________ busy ________ I didn’t go to bed until midnight yesterday.

A.too, to B.enough, to C.so, that D.such, that

39.— It’s too hot here. Would you mind my _________ the windows?

—________. Do it as you like, please.

A.to open; OK B.opening; Certainly not

C.Closing; Of course D.open; Good idea

40.— The woman_________ we met yesterday is our new Chinese teacher.

— Really? She looks young and energetic

A.what B.whose C.whom D.which

41.— Have you heard the song “TAKE ME TO YOUR HEART”?

— Yes, it sounds _________.

A.terribly B.wonderful C.well D.sadly

42.— Do you know that 2004 China F1 Car race_________ in Shanghai.

— Yes. It was a success.

A.is held B.was held C.has held D.will be held

43.— John, could you come and help me in the kitchen, please?

— Sorry, Mum. I_________ Tom search for information on the net.

A.help B.helped C.have helped D.am helping

44.I want to write to Rose, but I don’t know __________.

A.where is his email address B.where his email address is

C.what place is his email address D.what his email address is

45.—You look sad, Kate.

—Yeah, I have made _________ mistakes in my report.

A.a little B.little C.a few D.few

答案:31—35 A C C A B

36—40 D D C B C

41—45 B B D D C


33.表示“两者中较……”的短语结构中,应使用比较级。“the+形容词比较级+of the two+名词”,故选C。意思是“她选了两条绿色裙子中稍便宜的那一条”。

34.答语中“Only one copy left”暗示“仅有一张报纸剩下”,故后面再指报纸应为特指“先生,你不愿意要这张吗?”故选A。

35.答语中B选项表示“可以的,你自己取用这本字典”。Help oneself to sth.表示“随便吃”“自己取用”的意思。选B。

36.从答语中“I’ve told her”,“我已经告诉她了”可推知前面的句子应表达“你不必了”的意思,故选D。



第二节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


The bell rang loudly. Everybody packed their schoolbags and got ready to go home. When the

46 dismissed(解散) the children, 47 lined up in two rows and walked orderly to the school gate.

Usually David’s 48 would come and get him home from school but today she was not there. David waited for 15 minutes 49 he walked home.

When he reached home, he knocked on the 50 as he did not bring his keys. Surprisingly, no one answered the door. David 51 his mother was in the toilet so he waited patiently for his mother. After a few minutes there was 52 no response(回答). Just as he was about to go to the nearby coffee shop where his father worked to 53 the keys, he heard the 54 voice of his neighbour, John.

David told him that no one was at home and John’s mother suggested that David 55 in their house till his mother came back. David and John played 56 till evening when David’s mother came back.

David 57 John and his family before he went back into his house. David’s mother 58 David that she had a backache and she had to see a doctor. 59 this experience, David learnt an important 60 , “Neighbours are people who help each other.”

46.A.teacher B.nurse C.worker D.farmer

47.A.he B.they C.she D.we

48.A.father B.neighbour C.mother D.doctor

49.A.before B.after C.when D.while

50.A.window B.floor C.wall D.door

51.A.hoped B.thought C.said D.imagine

52.A.almost B.already C.still D.always

53.A.get B.make C.find D.buy

54.A.friendly B.angry C.lazy D.unhappy

55.A.sit B.stay C.come D.drop

56.A.carefully B.quickly C.easily D.happily

57.A.called B.loved C.thanked D.visited

58.A.told B.answered C.asked D.kissed

59.A.From B.About C.To D.Of

60.A.word B.lesson C.sentence D.saying

答案:46—50 A B C A D

51—55 B C A A B

56—60 D C A A B






第一节 阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


Once an old man was walking in a street with his horse. It was raining hard. The old man was cold because he was walking in the rain. He wanted to stay in a restaurant. It was a quarter past three in the afternoon. The old man got to a small restaurant. There were a lot of people in it, so the old man couldn’t come near the fire. He thought and thought. At last he said to the waiters, “Take some fish to my horse.” The waitor and the people were very surprised. The waiter said, “A horse doesn’t eat fish.” The old man told the waiter, “This horse is very interesting. It can sing, dance and does all kinds of things. It can eat fish, too.” So the waiter brought the horse some fish.

All the people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat fish except the old man. Now the old man sat beside the fire. After a while the waiter came back and said, “Your horse didn’t eat any fish.” The old man said, “All right, take the fish back and put it on the table. I’ll eat it.”

61.The people in the restaurant all ran out because___________.

A.they wanted to see the old man B.they wanted to see the horse eat fish

C.the waitor said there came the horse D.there was no fire over the stove

62.All the people in the restaurant rushed out ________but _________ didn’t.

A.to see the horse sing… the old man

B.to watch the horse play games… the waitor

C.to look for the horse… the old man

D.to see the horse eat fish… the old man

63.Why did the old man ask the waiter to take some fish to his horse? Because ________.

A.his horse liked eating fish

B.he was cold

C.he wanted to sit by the fire, but wasn’t able to do so at first

D.he himself also liked to eat fish

答案:61—63 B D C


There are two kinds of changes—chemical change and physical change.

In a chemical change, there is always a new substance(物质) formed. Breaking up water into hydrogen(氢气) and oxygen(氧气) is a chemical change. In each of the chemical change at least one new substance is formed. A change is not a chemical change if it doesn’t form a new substance.

Physical changes are very common, too. There are many examples. You can make a physical change by tearing(撕开)a piece of paper in two, or by cutting a piece of iron with lathe(车床). Here paper is still paper, and the iron is still iron.

Another way of making physical change is dissolving(融化) something in water. When you dissolve salt in water, the salt disappears. You may think that a new substance has been formed. But really there is no new substance. The salt is still salt. You can still taste it. So the dissolving of anything is a physical change.

When water freezes, the change is also a physical one. The water changes from liquid(液体) to solid(固体). But it is still the same substance. That is why the freezing of anything is a physical change.

64.It is not ______ if a new substance is not formed in the change.

A.a physical change B.a chemical change

C.change of state(状态) D.a change

65.The dissolving of salt in water is _________.

A.a physical change B.a chemical change

C.hydrogen and oxygen D.breaking up

66.Which is wrong according to the passage?

A.A new substance is always formed in a physical change.

B.Two kinds of changes are talked about in this passage.

C.If a change forms a new substance, it’s a chemical change.

D.The physical changes include the freezing of anything.

答案:64—66 B A A


64.从第一段第一句“In a chemical change, there is always a now substance formed”可知“在一个化学变化中,总有新的物质形成”。可推“如果在一个变化中没有新物质的形成,就不是化学变化”,故选B。


If you want to study English well, you need to do the following things.

Joining an English club is a good idea and joining an international club (where English is in use at least some of the time) is, for many people, even better.

In order to learn English well, you should keep practicing it as much as possible. There are several good ways to help you with the English study.

First, you may take notes of any mistakes made by you, so as to get familiar with the correct usage of the English language.

Second, it’s important to improve your ability, especially the ability of reading comprehension(理解). By reading more English articles, you will build your sense of English.

Third, try to form a reciting(背诵) habit. Well-written paragraphs are worth reciting. By memorizing them, you will find that writing English articles is not so difficult.

Last but not the least, you should always use a dictionary with both Chinese and English explanations. It will tell you the differences between these two beautiful languages.

67.Who may be the most suitable readers of this article?

A.Anyone who likes maths. B.Anyone who wants to learn English well.

C.English teachers. D.Anyone who wants to learn Chinese well.

68.From this article, we know we can use the following ways to learn English well except__________.

A.going abroad to learn English

B.joining an English club

C.Keeping practicing it as much as possible

D.trying to form a reciting habit

69.By reading more English articles, you will build _____________.

A.your knowledge of English grammar

B.your ability of English writing

C.your ability of singing English writing songs

D.your sense of English

70.What’s the best title of the article?

A.We should take notes of any mistake made by us.

B.We should read English more.

C.How to learn English well.

D.We should buy a dictionary with both Chinese and English explanations.

答案:67—70 B A D C


67.全文并未提到这篇文章是针对English teachers的,故选B。最适合的读者是任何想学好英语的人。


第二部分 非选择题(共40分)

第二节 任务型阅读(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分)


There are many things we need to know that we do not learn at school. For example, if we want to use our money wisely, we need to shop carefully. (1)We need to know how to compare(比较) the prices of things in different shops. We need to be able to compare the quality(质量) of different brands(品牌). We need to know how to make the best choice when we shop.

(2)Knowing how to make such choices is a life skill, and we need these skills if we are to lead useful and happy lives.

Some of these choices are small. For example, will I take an apple or a pear for lunch? Will I take the bus to school today or will I walk? Will I wear the red T-shirt or the blue one to the movies? Other choices are more important. For example, will eat healthy food for lunch or will I eat junk food because it is tastier? Will l work hard in all my classes I enjoy? We make decisions like this every day.

Making the wrong choices can result in unhappiness. (3) We have to realize that the choices we make can affect(影响) the rest of our lives, and it can also affect other people. The next time you decide to waste time in class, play a joke on someone or talk loudly at the movies, consider(思考) this: Who else does your choice affect?


We ________ _________ to know how to compare the prices of things in different shops.


It is a life skill ________ _______ to make such choices.




71.We don’t need to know how to compare the prices of things in different shops.

72.It is a life skill knowing how to make such choices




Age Average hours of watching TV in the day Average hours of watching TV at night Favourite shows

Four to six 74._________ one Cartoons

75._________ / Two and a half 76._________

Thirteen to sixteen / 77._________ Quiz



74.Two (hours)

75.Seven to twelve

76.TV plays

77.One and a half


第一节 完成句子(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)


78.It was an ______________(使人不愉快的) trip. And I won’t go there again.

79.We are sure that Jim will be the __________(胜利者) in the 400-metre race.

80.People mustn’t ________(通过) street when the traffic lights are red.

81.Would you mind not __________(吸烟) in the office?

82.Students usually do their homework in the ___________(白天).

83.Yesterday my grandma _________(跌落) and hurt her knees.








第三节 补全对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

Son: Hey, Dad?

Dad: What’s the matter?

Son: 84._________________________________

Dad: What movie are you going to see?

Son: The Palace. It’s really an interesting movie.

Dad: OK. 85._______________________________

Son: I am going to see the movie with Tony.

Dad: 86.______________________________.

Son: I’ll come back at 9 o’clock. The movie is a little long.

Dad: Don’t stay out late. You must get back home before 9:30.

Son: All right. 87.__________________________

Dad: No, I need it. And you are too young to drive a car. But 88.__________________________

Son: It’s kind of you to do that. Thank you, Dad.


84.I am going to see a movie.

85.Who are you going to see with?

86.When are you coming back?/When are you going to come back?

87.Could I use your car? / Could I borrow your car?

88.I can give you a ride.


87.从答语“No, I need it”可推知是儿子想要借用父亲的车,可说“Can I use/drive your car”。

88.从答语“It’s kind of you to do that”“你这样做真的是太好了”,可推测是父亲可以开车送儿子去电影院,儿子才会这样说,故88空可写:I can drive you there。

第四节 书面表达(共1题;满分10分)





___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________


My Math Teacher

Mr. Wu is my math teacher. He is tall and outgoing. He likes sports very much.

Mr. Wu is a kind teacher. When I was in Grade One, my math was poor and I couldn’t work out the problems. He helped me with it and told me the good ways to learn math. He regarded me as his own child. Now my math is better and I often get good grades. I really thank him for his kind help.

No matter where I go, I will remember I have an excellent teacher.






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