Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)
People like to do things in their free time. Many people 1 things like stamps, toy cars, phone cards as a hobby, but some people like doing something a little more 2 .
Sam is a good 3 . He likes painting very much, not on paper but on 4 . He starts by seeing what 5 of animals each stone look like, and then he 6 that animal with a pencil in the stone. Next, he paints it using acrylic(丙烯酸的) paint. Fishes, turtles and 7 are easier to paint than animals that have fur, such as cats, rabbits, deer and bears. Sam 8 groups of children to paint animals on the stone, 9 he can earn some money and enjoy his hobby 10 the same time.
1. A. buy B. collect C. give D. Have
2. A. easier B. difficult C. unusual D. usual
3. A. painter B. singer C. teacher D. worker
4. A. stones B. walls C. animals D. clothes
5. A. size B. kind C. price D. color
6. A. buy B. take C. bring D. draw
7. A. chicken B. bird C. snake D. duck
8. A. has B. teaches C. finds D. give
9. A. so B. then C. because D. as
10. A. on B. by C. at D. in
Ⅳ. 阅读理解(10分)
My hobby is collecting stamps. When I was only a baby, my mother began to collect for me. Of course, she didn’t let me touch the stamps. I remember that it was on my fifteenth birthday that she first put them into my hands. They were in four fat books, but since that time I have added three more.
How do I get my stamps? I have never bought a single one from a shop. My father sometimes brings me some stamps from many countries of the world. Also I exchange some with my friends.
In the evenings, what can be better than sitting down at a table with my nice books, putting new stamps in them, or, if I am too tired, only looking through the stamps in the books? Each stamp can tell me a different story. I can see pictures of persons and animals, Kings and presidents pass before my eyes.
But my stamp collection doesn’t make me think only of the past. Just as my mother did, I am collecting for my future child. What better way will there be of interesting him in history, geography and languages and of making these subjects live for him instead of being only things in school books? If I pass my hobby on to him, he’ll bless me for it, as I have blessed my mother for her wise action.
1. The writer began to collect stamps _______.
A. when he was a baby
B. when he was old enough
C. when he was eighteen
D. when he was fifteen
2. The writer has ________ books of stamps.
A. four B. three
C. seven D. fifteen
3. The writer can’t get the stamps from ________.
A. the shop B. his mother
C. his father D. his friends
4. When the writer is tired, he can ________.
A. sit down at a table to rest
B. enjoy the stamps
C. read books
D. see pictures of persons and animals
5. Why does the writer say“I am collecting for my future child”?
A. Because stamp collection can make him think of the past.
B. Because he wants his child to learn schoolbooks.
C. Because stamp collection can make his child get more knowledge.
D. Because he blesses his mother.
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