



代词是名词的代用词,有指示代词(this, those)、人称代词主宾格(I, me)、形容词性物主代词(my)、名词性物主代词(mine)、反身代词(myself)、不定代词(either, others, anything, nobody)。其中,不定代词的变化最复杂。在不同的句子中,它们的变化和要求都不一样,这一点我们一定要有充分的认识,不能掉以轻心。


( ) Would you please give _____?

A) him it B) it him C) to him it D) it to him

英语中,当直接宾语(人)与间接宾语(物)都用人称代词时,一定要先讲间接宾语(物)后讲直接宾语(人),而且要在直接宾语(人)前加上介词“to”。 所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) She always thinks of _____ more than _____.

A) others, her B) the others, she C) others, herself D) the others, herself


( ) Some people like watching the sports news, _____ prefer TV series.

A) the others B) the other C) others D) another

在英语中,“一些……,另一些……”有两种译法:“Some …, the others …”是属于“非此即彼”的两部分情况,而“Some …, others …”是指有第三部分的情况存在。本题意为“一部分人喜欢看体育消息,而另一部分人比较欣赏电视剧”,显然还有其他人喜欢其他的内容,所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) The light in the room was too poor for _____ to see it clearly.

A) everyone B) someone C) anyone D) none

英语中,“too … to”意为“太……而不能”,具有否定的含义。因此,“for sb.”中应该选运用在否定句中的“anyone”才对。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) _____ the fuel here is from foreign countries, so we must make full use of it.

A) Some B) Much C) The most of D) Most of

带有定冠词“the”的名词前,应该用代词词组:“some of”(意为“其中一些”)、“much of”(意为“其中许多”)、“most of”(意为“其中大多数”)……等。“the mose of”(意为“其中最多的”)在本句中的译法欠妥,所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) Can you call on my mother on Saturday or Sunday? I’m afraid _____ day is possible

A) either B) each C) both D) neither

在英语中,有“两者”和“三者以上”的不同词语说法:“both”意为“两者都”、“all”意为“三者以上都”、“neither”意为“两者都不”、“none”或“no one”意为“三者以上都不”、“either”意为“两者之一”、“one”意为“三者以上之一”、“between”意为“两者之间”、“among”意为“三者以上之间”。根据本题句意,答句应该是说“我恐怕没有一天能行”, 所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) There are three bathrooms in the house. One is upstairs, _____ two are downstairs.

A) other B) the other C) others D) the others

在英语中,“另两个”的译法有多种:“the other two”、“the others”、“the rest”。由于本句中讲到三间浴室,“另两间”的说法应该是“确指”的,因此,必须有定冠词“the”。又由于后句已经写了“two”,因此这里要选作形容词用的“other”。 所以本题答案应该选“B”。

( ) The dishes on Table One are much fewer than _____ on Table Two.

A) that B) those C) dishes D) /

要注意所比较的两个对象具有对称性:这句是“the dishes on Table One”(一桌上的菜)和“the dishes on Table Two”(二桌上的菜)作比较,因此后半句中的“菜”字不能省略。“that”与“those”是比较级句中的专用代词。由于该句中所比较的对象是复数,因此,要用“those”来代替前面的名词。所以本题答案应该选“B”。

( ) There are more people in this room than _____ in that one.

A) that B) those C) people D) /

要注意在“There is …”或“There are …”的比较级句型中,习惯上不用上题所讲到的专用代词。所以本题答案应该选“D”。


Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1. Show your watch ______ me. ______ is slow.

A) to, Mine B) to, My C) for, Mine D) for, My

( ) 2. ______ do you like ______, the summer holidays or the winter holidays?

A) What, better B) What, best C) Which, better D) Which, best

( ) 3. She wrote a letter and enclosed a photo of _____ taken in her housing estate.

A) herself B) her C) her’s D) myself

( ) 4. She told Jack, Tom and me to _____ among _____.

A) talk it over, us B) talk over it, us

C) talk it over, ourselves D) talk over it, ourselves

( ) 5. I’ll do it by myself. I won’t need _____ help.

A) anyone’s else B) anyone else’s C) anyone others’ D) other anyone’s

( ) 6. I heard _____ until my friend told me about it.

A) everything B) something C) nothing D) anything

( ) 7. Would you like _____ more bread, Jack?

A) any B) another C) little D) a little

( ) 8. Only one student got the right answer. But _____ didn’t.

A) the other B) another C) others D) the rest

( ) 9. He doesn't think _____ of them will go there with you.

A) none B) some C) many D) much

( )10. The film is dull and _____ people like it.

A) a few B) few C) a little D) little

( )11. Have you all _____?

A) got ready everything B) got everything ready for

C) got everything ready D) got ready for everything

( )12. Help _____ to some sweets, everyone.

A) yourselves B) your own C) yourself D) by yourself

( )13. He has six uncles. Five of them are doctors and _____ is a driver.

A) another B) the sixth C) other D) the other

( )14. Believe or not, I did it all by _______.

A) me B) us C) myself D) ourselves

( )15. A: Are these two books yours ? B: No, _____ of them is mine.

A) either B) none C) both D) neither

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