初中是人生的一个转折点,把握时间,认真学习,为将来的路奠定基础,威廉希尔app 为学子整理了“河池中考英语美文赏析:仲夏夜”一文:
I like midsummer the most in the whole year. In the day time, it is very hot. It seems that we all live in the hot pan. It is not comfortable. But in the evening, the sky is clear and bright. I can see the stars clearly and sometimes I can see bright and round moon. Besides, compared to the day time, midsummer night is very cool. When the wind blow through me, I feel wonderful. My all day trouble is gone with the wind. I like looking at the sky in the roof of my house in midsummer night. It is beautiful.
河池中考英语美文赏析:仲夏夜由威廉希尔app 为您整理提供,望各位考生能够努力奋斗,成绩更上一层楼。更多精彩尽在【广西中考网】
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