初中是人生的一个转折点,把握时间,认真学习,为将来的路奠定基础,威廉希尔app 为学子整理了“崇左中考英语作文练习:排队日的建议”一文:
1. 北京的“排队日”有助于人们享受更轻松、更和谐的生活,其它城市可借鉴;
2. 一些人在购物或等车时不排队,定一个“排队日”是对他们的提醒,这样,人们会逐渐养成自觉排队的好习惯;
3. 希望每天都成为“排队日”,这样,我们的社会更加美好。
注意:1. 不必逐条翻译,可适当发挥;
2. 词数:100左右;
3. 参考词汇:排队日Lining-up Day; 和谐的harmonious
One possible version:
Dear Editor,
A Lining-up Day has been set in Beijing and it helps people enjoy an easier and more harmonious life. This has set a good example for other cities. Nowadays, some people are unwilling to line up when they are doing their shopping or waiting for the bus, so I think it is necessary to establish a Lining-up Day to remind them. In this way, people will form the good habit of lining up voluntarily. I do hope that we will stick to this practice and popularize it until each day becomes a Lining-up Day. I'm sure it will make a big difference and our society will become more and more pleasant.
Li Hua
崇左中考英语作文练习:排队日的建议由威廉希尔app 为您整理提供,望各位考生能够努力奋斗,成绩更上一层楼。更多精彩尽在【广西中考网】
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