


卷 II第五部分  任务型阅读(10分)

I. 阅读短文,按照短文后的要求答题。请把答案写在答题卡相应的位置。(每 小题2分,共10分)

More than 85% of respondents (调查对象)to a survey about the Chinese Lunar New Year said they expect the festival's traditions to be continued, survey re sults have sho wn.

The survey, done online by the China Youth Daily Social Investigation Center on 7,012 people, showed that 88%of respondents consider reuniting with family to be the most important part of the festival. According to the survey, 78.6% of respondents see the festival as an opportunity to visit relatives as many people live far from their hometowns.

Wan Jianzhong, a professor of Beijing Normal University, said that Lunar New Year traditions, including visiting the elderly, holding family get-togethere and setting off firecrackers (放鞭炮),have mostly been preserved (保持),but some others are disappearing.

“ During the Spring Festival,people woricing outside their hometowns hurry to get home and reunite with their families. This causes a great national migration (迁徙), because the tradition of family get-togethers on Chinese New Years Eve is rooted in the hearts of the Chinese,” Wan said.



According to the survey, over 5960 respondents expect Lunar New Year traditions to be continued.


57. How many people were surveyed about the Chinese Lunar New Year?

58. Where was the survey done?

59. Was holding family get-togethers a Lunar New Year tradition?



第六部分  词汇(10分)

根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式,每空一词。请把 完整的单词写在答题卡相应的位置。(每小题1分,共10分)

61. Mike’s parents are b __________  teachers.

62. People will __________ (飞往)to the moon for vacation.

63 . You should ___________ (刷)your teeth after meals.

64. Don't __________ (吼)! I can hear you.

65. Mary wanted to buy a __________ (新的)computer.

66. Keep your eyes closed. Don't open them u__________ I tell you to do so.

67. Lucy is thinner than Lily, but Lily is t __________ than Lucy ?

68. M__________ is the fifth month of a year.

69. My favorite season is __________ (夏季)because I can swim in the river behind my house.

70. What are you g__________ to do tomorrow?


根据对话内容,在每小题的空白处填上合适的句子,使对话意思完整、通 顺。请把答案写在答题卡相应的位置。(每小题2分,共10分)

David:Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me the way to the Space Museum?

Man: Sorry,   21 .

David:Thank you all the same.

(Then David goes and asks a woman for help.)

David :  Excuse me,could you tell me how I can get to the Space Museum? Woman:Sure. Go along this street. When you reach the traffic lights, turn left. At the end of the road, you'll see it.

David:It's very kind of you. By the way,72 ?

Woman: No, it is not very far.

David : Can I take a bus to get there?

Woman : 73 .

David :74 ?

Woman : You can take the No. 17 bus.

David: 75 .

Woman:It’s my pleasure.


此题要求改正所给短文中的错误,对标有题号的每一行划线部分和有漏字 符号(A )处作出判断: 如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个如有错误(每行只有一个),则按 下列情况改正: 划线部分为多余的词:把该词写在该行右边横线上,并划上斜线()。 划线部分为错词:在该行右边横线上写出正确的词。 有浞字符号处缺一个词:在该行右边横线上写出所缺的词。


Two years ago, my English class is difficult. First of all,                    76. __________

I couldn’t understand the teacher when she speak English. She      77. __________

spoke so quick that I couldn’t understand every word. Later              78. __________

on,I realized that it don’t matter if you dont understand every        79. __________

word. I was also afraid to speak in die class, because I thought         80. __________

my classmates might laugh at me. I couldn’t always make complete 81. __________

sentences,either. Then I started to watched English-language TV. 82. __________

I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secret of         83. __________

becoming a good language leamer. Now I enjoy leam English and 84. __________

I got an A this term. My teacher is very impressed. 85.



A. 假如你校成功举办了第一次英语角活动,请根据下列提示,以“The First English Comer in Our School”为题,用英语为学校的校报写一篇20 -30词的简 讯。请在答题卡相应位罝答题。(10分)

活动时间:2012年6月14日下午3:00-4:00 活动内容:用英语交谈英语学习的方法 活动地点:学校图书馆 参加人数:英语教师和学生共100余人 活动效果:学生积极参与,有利于促进英语学习

B. 假如你是张武,是某校八年级学生,感到学习任务太重,每天要学习的科 目多,老师布罝的作业多,连周末和节假日都有做不完的作业,很多时候放学后 老师还要补课,每天几乎都没有属于自己的时间,睡眠时间严重不足,身心疲惫, 不知道怎么办。请你以张武的名义用英语写一封80 - 100词的信给某报社的中 学生信箱,谈谈你的这种情况,并希望老师们少布罝作业,多 关爱学生的健康成 长。(20分)

部分参考词汇:editor (编辑)task(任务)healthy growth(健康成长)subjects(科目)

总结:2012年毕节市中考英语试题就介绍到这里了,希望能帮助同学们更好的复习本门课程,更多精彩学习内容请继续关注威廉希尔app !


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