学无止境,初中是人生成长变化最快的阶段,所以应该用心去想,去做好每件事,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了“汕头中考英语作文范文:家用电脑”,希望可以帮助到更多学子。
The Family Computer
The family computer is small and not very expensive, but it has a good look. It can be used easily. You can calculate, make notes, learn English, call others and type letters on it. Computers can work hundreds of times faster than human beings. What's more, you can surf on the net, watch VCDs, play games, do office work and even do shopping in a supermarket with it. By connecting a computer to the Internet, we can get the latest information in all fields. We have been GREatly helped by computers. Through the Intemet, computers help us live a more convenient life. They link the world and make the world a large family.
汕头中考英语作文范文:家用电脑由威廉希尔app 为您整理提供,望各位考生能够努力奋斗,成绩更上一层楼。更多精彩尽在【汕头中考网】
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