


【编者按】威廉希尔app 中考频道为大家收集整理了最及时、丰富的中考信息资讯,希望小编整理的2014年中考英语完型填空练习题(2),能够为大家解除疑惑。



Mr. Yorkwell was blind when he was seven. He had seen many doctors but none of them could do 1 for him. He could never see the world 2 . Now he has a seeing-eye dog. A seeing-eye dog can help a blind man 3 along the streets. He is called a seeing-eye dog __4 he is the eye of a blind man.

One day,the bus was full of people 5 Mr. Yorkwell 6 the bus with his seeing-eye dog. There were no seats for Mr. Yorkwell at all. He stood 7 so many people before a few bus-stops passed. Then ,one man got up and 8 his seat and got off the bus. The dog took little __9 there. The dog began to push the people on each side with his __10 . He pushed and pushed until the people around moved away and there was enough place for 11 people. Mr. Yorkwell sat down and the dog got up on the seat 12 Mr. Yorkwell's. He lay down and put his head on the blind man’s 13 . Soon he fell asleep. People around were not 14 with him and all 15 at this.

1. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. things

2. A. again B. once C. always D. still

3. A. run B. jump C. play D. walk

4. A. why B. that C. because D. what

5. A. when B. while C. before D. since

6. A. got off B. got on C. stopped D. waited for

7. A. among B. between C. above D. after

8. A. took B. started C. lost D. left

9. A. house B. seat C. room D. place

10. A. teeth B. eat C. eye D. nose

11. A. one B. two C. many D. all

12. A. under B. above C. beside D. behind

13. A. head B. foot C. leg D. back

14. A. angry B. sad C. happy D. sorry

15. A. spoken B. smiled C. worried D. learned


狗是人类的朋友。狗领着盲人上车,车上无人给盲人让座。狗帮盲人找座位。在一片笑声中,我们想到了在资本主义国家,人情冷漠。短文围绕狗帮人这件事,拟人化的形容了狗,比较贴近我们的生活。1. B.不定代词做宾语,联系下文,故“nothing”。

2. A.承上句。此句意为“不再能看到外面的世界”。

3. D.help后面可跟复合宾语。

4. C.用because 交代前一句的原因。

5. A.用when 引导时间状语从句。

6. B.get on the bus意思是“上车”。

7. A. “车上挤满了人,他只好站在人群中”,故用“Stood among so many people”。

8. D.离开座位可表达成“leave one's seat”。

9. C.用little修饰不可数名词room.

10 .D.因为狗喜欢用鼻子嗅,人都怕,这样狗就占到了地方。

11. B.狗和主人各占一个位子,故选two.

12. C.狗的位子就在主人的旁边。

13. C.这里比喻狗就像小孩一样,睡觉时把头搁在主人的腿上。

14. A.由于狗是给一个盲人占座位,乘客并不生气,更多的是惊讶,所以他们都笑了,故15选B.






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