




(    )17. Tom decided to      during his last summer holiday .

A. travel around the world   B. do a part-time job  C. visit his relatives

(    )18.Tom visited      at first .

A. China   B. France   C. Italy

(    )19. Tom      in Rome .

A. visited his aunt   B. bought some gifts C. visited some museums

(    )20. Tom stayed in India for         .

A. about a week    B. about a month  C. about three months


Ⅰ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共 20分)

(    )21.Your uncle will come to see you as soon as he        here .

A. arrives   B. arrived   C.will arrive  D.is arriving

(    )22. Please try to       here on time .Don’t keep us        .

A. get to ,wait  B. arrive in ,waiting C. get , waiting D. reach ,to wait

(    )23. Keep the windows       ,and we need fresh air .

A. to open  B. opening  C. open   D. opened

(    )24. Each of the students      English ,and they are good at it .

A. like    B. likes   C. doesn't  like  D. don’t like

(    )25.Could you tell me         ?

A. where do you live   B. Who you are waiting for

C . Who were you waiting for  D. Where you live in

(    )26. This morning I found a little girl       on my way home .

A. cries   B. cried  C. crying   D. cry

(    )27. There are over       students in our school and about two      them live with their grandparents .

A. thousands of , hundreds of   B. thousands ,hundreds

C. two thousand ,hundred of   D. two thousand ,hundred

(    )28. -How was your weekend .

-Li Ming       ,I had a good time .

A. Just a little  B. It was terrible C. Enjoy yourself D. It was great

(    )29. If you go to the park tomorrow ,       .

A. so will he  B. so he will  C. so he does  D. so does he

(    )30.The doctor did what he could      the girl who was badly hurt in the accident .

A. save   B. saving   C. to save   D. save

(    )31. Henry speaks Chinese very well .He      in China since 2002.

A. come   B. has come  C. stayed   D. has stayed

(    )32. Do you think the rain will stop by noon ?

I want to play soccer this afternoon .

A. I don’t think so  B. What a pity  C. I hope so  D. That’s nothing

(    )33. Can I go today or tomorrow ?

you like .

A. However   B. whoever  C. wherever  D. whenever

(    )34. Dad , I have       money .I can’t even buy a pencil .Could you give me some ?

A. a little    B. a few   C. little   D. few

(    )35. ―I am going to visit the zoo with my parents this weeke nd .

―        .

A. Have a good day  B. Not at all  C. Goodbye  D. I’m sorry

(    )36. Why are you watching TV again .Because I       my homework .

A. have finished  B. was finished C. have been finished D. am finished

(    )37. ―Finish your homework ,     you can’t play computer games ,Jim .

―All right ,Mum .

A. but    B. till    C. and   D. or


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