



Above的反义词是below, over的反义词是under.

5.Abroad 副词,在国外,广泛地

考点1:国外,Eg:go abroad for further study

考点2:from abroad从海外,at home and abroad 在国内和国外

考点3:the news spreads aboard 消息广泛传播

6.Accept 动词,接受,认可

考点1:接受,accept a gift,accept the advice,accept the consequence (结果)

考点2:认可,Eg:He is accepted by his classmates. I accept the judge’s decision.

7.Accident 名词,事故,偶然

考点1:事故,a traffic accident

考点2:偶然,by accident,Eg:We met by accident at the airport.

考点3:句型 It is no accident that… 表示:。。。绝非偶然。


Accidental 形容词,意外的。 Accidentally 副词,偶然地,意外地。

8.According 副词,相符的,一致的。

考点1:According to… 根据。。。 Eg:You've been in prison six times according to our records.

考点2:副词,Accordingly 相应地 Eg:The cost of materials rose sharply last year. Accordingly, we were forced to increase our prices.

9.Achieve 动词,实现。

考点1:achieve one’ target/goal/purpose


表示实现的一类词:achieve, accomplish, reach, realize, fulfill

10.Across 介词、副词, 越过,另一边.

考点1:从一边到另一边,强调横过。Eg:Can you swim across the river?

考点2:在对边(对面),across from Eg: There's a school just across from our house.


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