天水英语Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag期末复习题



威廉希尔app 搜集天水英语Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag期末复习题,希望对各位考生通过考试有所帮助。




A) 从以下方框内选出适当的单词完成句子,使句子意思通顺。每词限用一次。

everywhere,    head,   Where,   know,   bed,    come,   but,    always

1. —_________________ is my schoolbag?     —It's on the sofa.

2. Look! The red quilt is on the___________________.

3. Alan’s baseballs are_________________,—on the table, under the sofa and in the box.

4. Can you ___________________ to my room, Bob?

5. —Where is her hat?   —It's on her _______________________.

6. Jim _________________ says “Good morning, Ms Green” when he meets her.

7. Linda can find her map, _____________________ she can’t find her ring.

8. —Where is the key? —I don't _______________________. Is it in your desk?

B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Jim and Tim have some books. They are in ____________________ (they) room.

2. ______________________ (Cindy) English books are in the bookcase.

3. _______________________ (that) are my English books.

4. —Where is __________________(he) hat, Mom? —It’s on _______________ (you) bed.

5. Two ____________________________(bed) are in the room.

C) 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. —Where __________________ (be) his notebook?  —It's in the bookcase.

2. “Are these your keys?” Dale __________________(ask).

3. —Where _________________ (be) her erasers?   —They are on the table.

4. —______________(be) your keys on the table? —No, they ______________ (be not).

5. I __________________ (think) these books are Jack’s.


(    ) 1. —_________are the keys?    —They’re on the bed.

A. Where   B. How C. What color

(    ) 2. Are the keys           the floor?

A. under B. in C. on

(    ) 3. “Where is your watch?” My parents _______ me.

A. know B. ask C. excuse

(    ) 4.—Mum, where’s my pencil box? —It’s on        sofa.

A. the     B. a     C. an

(    ) 5. —Is your photo on the table?  —________

A. No, they aren’t.   B. Yes, they are.    C. Yes, it is.

(    ) 6. Your brother’s books _______ in the desk.

A. are        B. is           C. /

(    ) 7. That isn’t my model plane. I think it is _______.

A. your         B. his       C. her

(    ) 8. —Excuse me, where’s my pen?   —Sorry, I ______ know.

A. am not            B. aren’t           C. don’t

(    ) 9. Can you help         , please?

A. me      B. my          C. I

(    ) 10. —Where’s the clock?  —_________.

A. It is mine        B. It is on the sofa   C. They are under the chair


1. 我们的收音机在哪里?

Where’s ___________________ _________________?

2. 你的身份证在飞机模型下面。

Your ID car is under the__________________ ___________________.

3. ——你的笔记本在书柜上吗?——对不起,我不知道。

—Is your notebook in the bookcase?

—Sorry, I ________________ _______________.

4. 快点,海伦。你必须去上学了。

___________________ _____________________, Nancy. You must go to school.

5. 这个整洁的房间是南希的。

The                                                is Nancy’s.



1. A: _____________________________________?    B: Your watch is on your bed.

2. A: _____________________________________?    B: Yes. Cindy is in her room.

3. A: _____________________________________?    B: The girl is Frank’s aunt.

4. A: _____________________________________?    B: No, they are not his pens. They are her pens.

5. A: _____________________________________?    B: Their CDs are on the red box.



Tim:  Hey, Alice. I can't find my things.

Can you help me?

Alice:     1

Tim:  Is my ruler on the table?

Alice:  No, it isn't. It's on the bookcase.

Tim:  Oh, OK.     2     Are they on

the bookcase, too?

Alice:     3     They’re on the chair.

Tim:  Oh, So, where is my pencil box?

Alice:      4

Tim:  And where's my backpack?

Alice:  It's under the table. And your baseball is under the chair.

Tim:   Oh, OK. And where are Mom's keys?

Alice:      5     X Kb1 .Co m

1.___________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 5.___________


Dear Tommy,

Can you bring (带来) some things to school? I need (需要) my English book, baseball, notebook, CDs and computer game. The English book is on the sofa. The baseball is under the bed. Where is my notebook? Oh, it’s on the bookcase. The CDs are on the table. The computer game is on the table. Thanks.


(    ) 1. Is the English book on the bed?

A. Yes, it is       B. No, it isn't     C. Yes, they are

(    ) 2. The baseball is             the bed.

A. under       B. in           C. on

(    ) 3. The             is on the bookcase.

A. computer game   B. book            C. notebook

(    ) 4. Where are the CDs?

A. On the table.                    B. On the computer.

C. In the sofa.                      D. Under the bed.

(    ) 5.                need the things.

A. Tommy        B. Jack           C. Mike



Unit 4

一、A) 1. Where  2. bed  3. everywhere  4. come  5. head  6. always  7. but  8. know

B) 1. their  2. Cindy’s    3. Those    4. his; your      5. beds

C) 1. is        2. asks      3. are      4. Are; aren’t     5. think

二、1—5 ACBAC      6—10 ABCAB

三、1. our radio   2. model plane   3. don’t know   4. Come on   5. tidy room

四、1. Where’s my watch?     2. Is Cindy in her room?     3. Who is the girl?

4. Are they his pens?     5. Where are their CDs?

五、1—5 ADCEB

六、1—5 BACAC


This is a picture of my room. It’s very nice. My bed is under the window. My hat is on it. Near the bed, there is a desk. My book is on the desk and my pen is on the desk, too. Under the desk, it’s my schoolbag. Where is my chair? Oh, it’s next to the bed.

上面就是为大家准备的天水英语Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag期末复习题,希望同学们认真浏览,希望同学们在考试中取得优异成绩。






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