We’ve just moved in a house and we want to 1. _____
buy a new color television set, and I’m not 2. _____
sure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big 3. _____
one. If we buy a small one, we might have 4. _____
to change for it in a few years’ time for a bigger 5. _____
one. My husband thinks it’s no necessary to buy 6. _____
a very big one. He said our sitting room isn’t very 7. _____
big. If we put in a very big television, they will 8. _____
be bad for our eyes. Anyway, we’d better to make 9. _____
quick decision because the price may go up soon. 10. ____
1. in改为into。in“在……里”表静态的位置;而into则表动态的位置,意为“进入”。
2. and改为but。前后句之间是转折关系。
3. a改为the。这里表特指,指要买的电视机的大小。
4. 此行正确。
5. 去掉第一个for。“把A物换成B物”的英语表达是change A for B。文章中该句句意为“几年之后就要把小电视换成大电视”。
6. no改为not。因为no是形容词,修饰名词,而necessary是形容词,所以要用副词not来修饰。
7. said改为says。因为上下文都是用的一般现在时,这里指现在的思想,现在的想法。
8. they改为it。这里指的是the big television。
9. 去掉to。had better后接动词原形。
10. quick前加a。make a decision意为“作出决定”。
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