



( ) 1. —Where would you like to spend your vacation?

—I’d like to go ________. I hate hot days

A. cool somewhere B. somewhere cool C. hot somewhere D. somewhere hot

( ) 2. There is ________ in today’s newspaper. Let’s read a storybook.

A. something interesting B. nothing interesting

C. interesting something D. interesting nothing

( ) 3. —Have you got ________ ready for the sports meeting?

—Not yet. We still have ________ to do.

A. anything; nothing B. something; everything

C. everything; something D. something; nothing

( ) 4. —Did you go fishing with ________ yesterday?

—Yes, I went with my father.

A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone

( ) 5. There is ________ with my computer. Can you help me mend it?

A. nothing wrong B. anything wrong C. something wrong D. wrong something

( ) 6. —Did you see my Chinese book?

—Yes. ________ took it away. But I don’t know him.

A. Someone B. Anyone C. No one D. Everyone

( ) 7. —I’d like ________ bananas and pears.

—Oh, I only need ________ orange juice.

A. some; a few B. a few; a little C. a little; a few D. a little; a few

( ) 8. I have quite ________ friends. I feel very happy.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

( ) 9. —________ did you go on vacation? —Hong Kong.

A. What B. How C. Where D. When

( ) 10. I ________ my homework last night. I went to the cinema with my parents.

A. did B. didn’t C. didn’t do D. don’t do

( ) 11. —________ Tom and Jim ________ a walk yesterday evening?

—No, they ________.

A. Do; take; doesn’t B. Did; take; didn’t C. Did; take; did D. Do; take; don’t

( ) 12. —How was your vacation?

—________. I liked it very much.

A. Very bad B. Wonderful C. I’m fine D. Have a good time

( ) 13. —The coat looks good on you. Where ________ you ________ it?

—In a supermarket.

A. do; buy B. did; buy C. will; buy D. does; buy

( ) 14. —Who teaches ________ singing? —Nobody, I learn it by ________.

A. your; mine B. your; myself C. you; myself D. you; me

( ) 15. The book is ________. I feel ________.

A. boring; boring B. bored; boring C. boring; bored D. bored; bored

( ) 16. —Steven, can you help me buy some meat? —________. I like shopping.

A. That’s right B. It’s right C. Of course D. You’re welcome

( ) 17. Tom, your father is waiting ________ you at the school gate.

A. for B. at C. with D. as

( ) 18. My parents decide ________ to the beach this week.

A. go B. goes C. to go D. going

( ) 19. We have to stay at home ________ the heavy rain.

A. because B. because of C. but D. so

( ) 20. We don’t have ________ to buy this sweater, though (虽然) the sweater is ________.

A. enough money, good enough B. enough money, enough good

C. money enough, well enough D. enough money, well enough

( ) 21. Ann likes going to school by bike but dislikes ________ to school on foot.

A. to go B. go C. going D. goes

( ) 22. The cookies ________ good. Can I have some more?

A. taste B. smell C. feel D. sound

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