威廉希尔app 作文频道为同学们搜集整理了兰州中考英语练习:任务型阅读,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!
Exam time is coming . Don’t worry, here are some secrets of doing well. They can help you take tests with confidence (信心).
71 .
Taking notes is a way of remembering what you learn or read about.
■ Write down important points your teachers write on the blackboard.
■ Keep your notes organized (有条理的) by subject and make sure they’re easy to read and review.
72 .
When studying, think about how much time you want to give to each subject.
■ Break a large subject into a short amount every day.
■ Every 45 minutes, you should take a 15-minute break. Spending too much time learning may make you feel tired and bored.
73 .
Study groups are helpful because you can work together to solve hard problems. Also, the group members can test one another.
■ Libraries are good places to study with your group. A quiet environment is better for studying.
■ Group study is not suitable(适合的) for every kid. 74 .
Just find the way that works for you and follow it.
75. Which is the best title according to the passage?
A. How to learn English well. B. Taking notes is important.
C. How to study for tests. D. A study group is a good way.
由威廉希尔app 为您提供的兰州中考英语练习:任务型阅读,愿您能取得优异的成绩。
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