威廉希尔app 为大家准备了2014年嘉峪关中考英语总复习,希望同学们的写作水平更上一层楼。
1." What should I get my mum for her birthday ?" "Why _____ get her a scarf ?"
A. don 't you B. do you. C. are you.
3.-Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning , ?
- . He got up too late .
A. had he, Yes. B. hadn' t he , Yes. C. did he , No .
4.- He hasn't watched the movie " So Young", has he?
- ________. He told me it's very moving and interesting, he'd like to watch it again.
A. Yes, he has B. Yes, he hasn't C. No, he hasn't D. No, he has
5.There's little important news in the newspaper today, ______?
A. isn't there B. is there C. is it D. are there
6.I don't think the newly-directed film by Zhaowei is as interesting as people say, _______?
A. do you B. isn't it C. is it D. don't you
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