


224 rather…than 宁可……也不……

eg : I would rather be a doctor than a teacher 我愿肯当医生,也不当老师

He likes dogs rather than cats 他喜欢狗,不喜欢猫

225 regard…as 把……当作……

eg: Please give my best regards to your family 请带我向你的家人我最好的问候

I regard you as my friend 我把你当作我的朋友

He shows little regard for others 他不爱关心别人

226 remid sb about sth 提醒某人什么事 remid sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事

eg : he remids me about cooking (he remids me to cook 他提醒我做饭

227 remid sb of sth 使某人想起什么

eg : the pictures remind me of my school days 这照片使我想起了我的学校

the words that (which) the teacher talke to remind me of my mother

228 return sth to sb 还什么东西给某人

229 say to oneself 对自己说

230 say to sb 对某人说

231 sb spend somemoney on sth 花了多少钱在某事上

232 sb spend sometime with sb 花了多少时间陪谁

233 sb spend sometime(in) doing sth 花了多少时间做某事

234 sb with sb +is sb and sb +are

235 see sb do 看见某人做过某事 see sb doing 看见某人正在做某事

236 seem to do/be +adj 显得怎么样 eg : You seem to be tired You seem to be happy

237 send +sb sth 送给某人某物

241 show sb sth = show sth to sb 拿什么东西给某人看 eg: Show me your pen Show your pen to me

242 show sth to sb 向某人展示某物 eg : I show the book to her.


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