


中考是决定同学们能否进入理想院校的重要考试,为了帮助大家了解,威廉希尔app 小编为大家分享了2011年厦门中考英语试卷:阅读理解B,供大家参考!

The expression “ go for it” comes from football. Not football as it is played in most countries, but the

kind of football in the United States and Canada.

American football is a difficult game to explain. But the basic idea is that each team tries to move the

football across the goal line of the other team. One of the rules is that a team must move the ball forward

(向前)at least ten yards ----- a little less than ten meters ----- in four attempts. It loses the ball to the

other team if it fails to move that far.

One of the most exciting times in football comes when a team has failed, after three attempts, to

move the ball forward ten yards. Then the team must take an important decision.

One choice is to try a fourth and final time. If the team succeeds, it keeps the ball, and continues to

move forward. But if it fails, the other team gets the ball at that place on the field.

The second choice is to kick the ball. The team gives up the ball if it makes this choice. But a good

kick can put the other team at the far end of the field, making it more difficult for that team to score.

People watching a football game are certain to shout their advice. Some will shout, “Kick the ball!”

But others will urge the team to take a chance, to live dangerously. “ Go for it !” They will shout.

56. “go for it!” is an expression which comes from a sports game that Picture ____ shows.

57. The second paragraph(段落)mainly tells us about the ______ of the game.

A. teams B. fields C. four

58. A team has ________ choices after three unsuccessful attempts.

A. two B. three C. four 4

59. After four attempts, if a team fails to move the ball forward ten yards, they’ll _____ the ball.

A. keep B. lose C. kick

60. When people shout, “go for it”, they hope the team chooses to ________.

A. kick the ball B. try a fourth time C. give up the ball

2011年厦门中考英语试卷:阅读理解B就为同学们介绍到这里,希望同学们能够在威廉希尔app 的帮助下,在中考的道路上高人一等!威廉希尔app 将一如既往为同学们提供最新最热的信息!


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