



(1) 正情感:happy amazing等

(2)零情感:fast slow surprising等

(3) 负情感:sad failure等

[例1] Later that day, I happened to pass Jeff in the dining room . I offered him a “congratulations”and walked to my usual table . To my surprise, Jeff put his plate beside mine.

A. politeB. loudC. warmD. cheerful

【解析】A 形容词感情色彩+联系上下文。由本段出现的第一个形容词usual 来判断作者的感情色彩是平淡的,故排除B. loud和D. cheerful选项,由 第二个形容词surprise 来判断,作者与Jeff的关系不是非常亲密,所以排除C warm选项。

[例2] Among them, a weak boy with ugly teeth and thick glasses kept shaking. I had seen him around, and I knew he was always laughed at. He seemed __37_unsure_ of himself, and was so pale that it __38__ us to look at him.

37. A. unafraid B. unsure C. proud D. tired

38. A. worried B. surprised C. taught D. hurt

【解析】D 由上文的描述可知,他的脸色是如此苍白,以至于看着他会让人难受。故选择形容词hurt。


[例1]On the train, Tom was looking l for his ticket because the conductor was coming __2 to his ticket.

1. A. out B. forward C. anywhere D. everywhere

2.A. down B. up C. in D. on

【解析】第一空格指Tom在火车上到处找车票,因此选D。everywhere为最佳答案,anywhere常用于否定句和疑问句中。第二空格意为列车员上前查票,走到某人面前come up to sb.为固定词组搭配,因此选B。

[例2 ] Whenever I’m __ __, I still look back at that yearbook.

47. A. away B. out C. behind D. down

【解析】本文讲述了一位叫Ricky的学生的前后变化:从经常被大家嘲笑,没有自信到充满自信并被大家喜欢。此题为本文最后一题,想表明每当我遇到挫折时,总会想起那天的事情。be down,固定搭配,表示情绪低落的。

[例3] My next step was to which new activities students would like to have at our school. Many of them wanted a chess club and a volleyball team.

43.A. carry outB. try outC. work outD. find out

【解析】固定搭配和动词短语辨析: carry out 实施, try out 尝试, work out 解决 ,find out 找出+事实,真相 ,结合上下文,wanted a chess club and a volleyball team,下文的 collect information 得出答案为 D。



[例1]After going a diet, a woman f l really good about herself-especially she was a 2 to fit into a pair of jeans.“Look, Look!" She shouted while running downstairs to show her husband.

【解析】本段落主要讲一位女士经过减肥后可以穿得上一条牛仔裤,并要演示给她丈夫看的情景。第一格表达主人公的感觉很好,因此填felt;第二格表达她能够穿上牛仔裤了,be able to为固定搭配。


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