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Book 1

Module 1

hello 你好

hi 嗨

goodbye 再见

bye (口语)再见

I’m =I am 我是

Module 2

good 好的

morning 早晨,上午

what’s =what is 是什么

my 我的

name 名字

a 一(个,件…)

bird 鸟

panda 熊猫

boy 男孩

girl 女孩

afternoon 下午

Module 3

one 1

two 2


four 4

five 5

six 6

seven 7

eight 8

nine 9

ten 10

yes 是

no 不,不是

Module 4

green 绿色

black 黑色

blue 蓝色

white 白色

red 红色

yellow 黄色

colour 颜色

ball 球

Module 5

stand 站立

up 向上

open 打开

window 窗户

door 门

sit 坐

down 向下

it’s = it is 它是

point 指, 指向

to 去,到,向

Ms 女士

Module 6

this 这个

our 我们的

classroom 教室

desk 课桌

and 和

seat 座位

teacher 教师

cat 猫

dog 狗

that 那个

Module 7

school bag 书包

pen 钢笔

ruler 格尺

book 书

pencil 铅笔

pencil-box 文具盒

eraser 橡皮

crayon 蜡笔

Module 8

look 看

fox 狐狸

kite 风筝

house 房子

box 盒子

Module 9

how old 几岁

you’re = you are 你是

happy 高兴的

birthday 生日

thank 谢谢


welcome 欢迎

Module 10

where’s = where is


in 在… 里

hat 帽子

on 在… 上

under 在… 下

bed 床

balloon 气球

doll 娃娃

bear 气球

Book 2

Module 1

how many多少

eleven 十一

twelve 十二

orange 橙色,橙色的

know 知道

other 其他的

tree 树

so 如此

many 许多的

bird 鸟

let’s 让我们

Module 2

father 父亲

mother 母亲

grandma 奶奶,外婆

grandpa 爷爷,外公

sister 姐姐,妹妹

brother 哥哥,弟弟

friend 朋友

doctor 医生

pupil 学生

he’s =he is 他是

she’s =she is 她是

Module 3

her 她的

bag 包

his 他的

coat 外套

their 他(她/它)们的

nurse 护士

dress 连衣裙

driver 司机

bus 公共汽车、

Module 4

head 头

face 脸

nose 鼻子

These are my…


mouth 嘴

ear 耳朵

eye 眼睛

these 这些

leg 腿

Module 5

they’re = they are


cow 奶牛

farm 农场

pig 猪

chicken 鸡

egg 鸡蛋

thin 瘦的

fat 胖的

baby 幼崽

little 小的

big 大的



Module 6

snake 蛇

long 长的

zoo 动物园

short 短的,矮的

tall 高的

very 很,非常

lion 狮子

cute 可爱的

scary 吓人的,可怕的

Module 7

play 玩

football 足球

like 喜欢

basketball 篮球

ping-pong 乒乓球

hot 热的

swimming 游泳

go swimming 去游泳

dance 跳舞

tired 疲劳的,累的

Module 8

with 用

together 一起

favourite 特别喜爱的

sport 运动

about 关于

Module 9

meat 肉



rice 米饭



children 孩子们

ice cream 冰淇淋

Module 10

here’s = here is 这是

present 礼物



car 小汽车


hello , hi ,goodbye, bye, I’m …

How are you? I’m fine.

Good morning, boys and girls.

Good afternoon.

What’s your name? I’m…

I’m a boy. I’m a girl.

How many?

How many boy?

It’s red (yellow, blue, black,green…)

Sit down! Stand up! Point to the …

Open the …

This is our classroom.

This is my teacher, Ms Smart.

What’s this?

It’s a pen . It’s a book.

It’s my school bag.

Is it a cat? Yes , it is.

It’s a black cat. Help!

How old are you? I’m …

Happy birthday!

Thank you. You’re welcome! A pen for you!

Where’s my pen?

It’sin my hat.

It’s on my hat.

It’s under my hat.



Where’s the cat?

Is it under the bed? Yes , it is . No, it isn’t.

How many …?

This is my father. He is a doctor.

This is my mother. She is a teacher.

That’s me. I’m a pupil.

My mother is a nurse. This is her dress.

My father is a driver. That’s his bus.

This is my/ your …

What are these?

What are they? They are cows.

These are our chickens.

It’s thin/fat/big/little.

Let’s go to the zoo.

That snake is long.

The giraffes are tall. And I am short.

The baby lions are cute.

Let’s play…

Let’s go swimming!

Let’s sing/ dance.

I like football.

You (we /they) like football.

What’s your favorite…?

I don’t like noodles

I don’t like meat.

Do you like dolls?

Yes, I do.No, I don’t.

Do they like jigsaws?

Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.





描述一个地方 This is a …That is a …

对于不知道的物品进行询问:What’s this? What’s that? It’s a …

一般疑问句 Is it a …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

询问物品的位置 Where’s my pen? It’s in (on, under) my hat.




谈论家人 father , mother , brother, sister, grandma, grandpa

认识动物 ,了解复数 What are they? They’re cows.These are our chickens.

用形容词描述动物 long, tall, short ,cute , scary

祈使句 Let’s play…Let’s go swimming!

阐述自己的喜好,询问他人的喜好 I like footballWhat’s your favorite…?

I don’t like… Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.





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