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小学一年级第二学期Unit 7测试题



一年级第二学期Unit 7测试题如下文

一. 听力部分(40%)

1. Listen and tick(听录音,勾出听到的单词)10%

1) cow (  ) can (  )  2)beach (  ) bear (  )  3)ride (  ) skip (  )

4)cloud (  )clean (  ) 5)plate (  ) play (  )   6)bowl (  ) boat (  )

7)sit (  ) six (  )   8)wind (  ) window (  )  9)soup (  ) soap (  )

10)summer (  ) supper (  )

2. Listen and finish (听录音,完成下列单词)10%

1)y___ll___ ___ 2)u___de___ 3)___in___e___ 4)___ ___ee  5)w___er___

6)l___ve  7)m___ ___k  8)d___es___  9)c___ ___t  10)co___d

3. Listen and number (听录音,按顺序给下列图编号)10%

(  )     (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )

(  )     (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )

4.Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的句子)5%

1. (  ) Show me that little dog.

(  ) Give me a big hot dog.

2. (  ) The brown bag is big, but the green bag is small.

(  ) The blue bag is small, but the black bag is big.

3. (  ) Merry Christmas.

(  ) Happy New Year.

4. (  ) Come to my room. There is a big new TV.

(  ) Go to my room. There is a nice sofa in it.

5. (  ) Look at the teacher. She‘s tall and thin.

(  ) Look at that teacher. He’s big and tall.

上文是一年级第二学期Unit 7测试题




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