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2013小学一年级英语上册PRACTICE 4试题



My sister is buying (me, her) a bunch of grapes.

17. My brother and I love to draw.

My mother likes (our, their) drawing.

18. John gives me the bookmarks.

They are (my, their) bookmarks.

19. Lisa wears a new watch.

She likes (her, it) watch very much.

20. You have a nice toy.

I wish I can have (your, it) toy.

21. Mr Sim gives Meiling and Doreen a doll.

This is (their, our) doll.

22. He has two younger sisters.

He takes care of (his, her) sisters.

23. My uncle has a red car.

This is (his, her) car.

24. We have not eaten.

We are going to have (our, their) dinner now.

希望这份2013小学一年级英语上册PRACTICE 4试题可以帮助大家很好的巩固所学知识,以便在考试中取得好成绩。


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人教版小学一年级上册同步练习:英语PRACTICE 6(三) 

一年级上册英语同步练习题PRACTICE 6 

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